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6 Surprising and Entertaining Fun Facts About Gophers You Need to Know

illustration of gophers
Get ready to burrow into the fascinating world of gophers as we uncover some delightfully quirky tidbits about these cute, cheeky critters!

1. Tree Saboteurs

Gophers: the unassuming, furry saboteurs of the tree underworld, feasting on the foundations of our beloved arborial giants: In reality, these burrowing rodents can cause permanent damage to trees by devouring their roots, making it crucial for tree owners to learn how to keep these underground menaces at bay.
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2. Cheesy Grin Champions

When mother nature developed cheesy grins, gophers must have been first in line: these little digging virtuosos come equipped with fur-lined pockets in their cheeks, specifically designed for transporting food and nesting materials on the go!
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3. Mini Excavators

Move over, construction crews, nature has its own mini excavators: Pocket gophers can transport nearly 50 wheelbarrows of soil per acre per year, thanks to their powerful front shoulders and lengthy claws!
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4. Built-in Grocery Bags

Gophers: nature's furry excavators with built-in grocery bags for takeout! These cheeky rodents rock fur-lined pouches stretching to their shoulders, perfect for stashing and transporting all their favorite plant-based snacks: Gophers come equipped with broad feet and claws for expert digging and can nibble through even the toughest greens thanks to their oversized incisors, much to the dismay of gardeners facing their insatiable appetites. Fear not, for there are humane and eco-friendly ways to keep these burrowers at bay, such as live trapping and exclusion fencing.
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Relentless Dental Farmers

5. Relentless Dental Farmers

Like toothy underground farmers on a relentless quest for dental hygiene: gophers' incisors never stop growing, and they gnaw on roots and stems to wear them down, causing significant agricultural damage and economic losses for the folks above their subterranean lairs.
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6. Dirt Blocker Lips

Ever wondered how gophers can dig deep into their underground mansions without getting a mouthful of dirt soufflé? The secret lies in their built-in dirt blockers: gophers have specialized lips that close behind their four large incisor teeth, preventing any unwanted earthy particles from entering their mouths while they tunnel through the soil.
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