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9 Amazing Giraffe Tongue Fun Facts You Never Knew You Needed to Know

illustration of giraffes-tongues
Get ready to stick your neck out and explore the wonderfully bizarre world of giraffe tongues with these fascinating tidbits on nature's tall, spotted marvels!

1. Purple Haze Tongue Solos

You might say giraffes belong in a prog-rock band, thanks to their purple haze tongue solos: As it turns out, though, their blue-black tongues are around 18 to 20 inches long and have a crucial function—they protect the giraffes from sunburn while they're reaching for leaves high in the trees.
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2. Bendy Straw with a Foliage Fondness

Behold the giraffe, nature's inefficient attempt at building a bendy straw with a voracious fondness for foliage! This treetop-dweller has a tongue game so strong, it could rival even Gene Simmons: Blessed with an 18-inch-long prehensile tongue, not only is it agile and sturdy enough to handle the grabbiest of twigs, but it's also equipped with a gooey layer of saliva, working like a sturdy saliva-shield to keep thorns and other dental disasters at bay while they selectively chow down on leaves between prickly adversaries.
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3. Organic Branch-Wrangling Apparatus

Giraffe tongues, the ultimate organic branch-wrangling, leaf-snatching apparatus, built to withstand a barbed buffet of nature's most uninviting foliage - you might even consider it a prehensile, purple-hued jungle gym for vegetation enthusiasts: The tongues of these towering leaf lovers measure up to 18 inches long, are incredibly flexible and tough to maneuver around thorny branches, and their dark purple hue comes from a rich network of blood vessels, which helps the giraffe regulate its body temperature. Plus, their saliva is extra thick and sticky, offering ample protection against those pesky thorns.
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4. Majestic Unicorn Tongue

Imagine a tongue so majestic it rides the color spectrum like a unicorn galloping on a rainbow: that's right, the giraffe's tongue is the Picasso of the animal world, with the front half rocking a black, blue, or purple hue, while the back half struts a rosy pink. The secret behind this fashionable accessory is the abundance of melanin providing sun protection, combined with its prehensile power that allows giraffes to elegantly snatch leaves for brunch without getting pricked by thorns. Add some robust papillae for that extra armor, and healing saliva worthy of a comic book hero, and you've got the Swiss Army knife of tongues reaching new heights!
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Treetop Tongue-and-Groove Competition

5. Treetop Tongue-and-Groove Competition

It may be a stretch to say giraffes hold the world's longest tongue-and-groove competition up in the trees, but these leggy animals sure know how to show off their talents when it comes to foliage acrobatics: With their remarkable 45 cm long tongues, giraffes effortlessly pluck leaves from towering heights, while their sturdy, leather-lined mouths help them munch on thorny plants without a care in the world.
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6. Slobberific Giraffe Smooches

While a giraffe's tongue might be more suited to give a slobbery smooch than a gentle peck on the cheek, it's actually well-equipped for a leafy snatch-and-grab: Contrary to popular opinion, giraffes sport tongues that are broad, flat, and up to 18 inches long – perfect for commandeering leaves right off their branches. And if you think their tongues are anything close to purple or blue, you'll be tickled to know they're actually a darker shade – a solar defense mechanism, ensuring their greatest weapon doesn't get sunburned!
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7. Tongue-in-Cheek Acacia Snackers

It appears giraffes are quite "tongue-in-cheek" when it comes to snacking on acacia leaves—evolution clearly didn't leaf them hanging: Giraffe tongues are longer than your average linguist's, equipped with the ability to reach lofty treats while avoiding pesky thorns, and even produce a protective, antiseptic saliva to bravely face any thorn-based predicaments.
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8. Prehensile Tango Tongs

Forget reaching for the stars: giraffes have a different strategy with their prehensile tongue that can do a tango with the highest leaves on trees! Tiptoeing through the thorny branches of the acacia tree: this elongated muscle is not only impressively lengthy, but also comes armored with thick, sticky saliva that's perfect for protecting itself from nature's unwelcoming thistle.
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9. Silver-Lining Leaf Lappers

Giraffes might be considered "tongue-tied" in conversation, but when it comes to leafy cuisine, their tongues have silver linings only they can reach: their prehensile tongues extend up to 22 inches, enabling them to access leaves from the tallest trees, while thickened papillae and saliva protect their tongues as they feast on even the thorniest vegetation.
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