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Discover the Adorable: Top 7 Amazing Fun Facts About Foals You Never Knew!

illustration of foals
Get ready to let your curiosity gallop as we uncover some amusing and fascinating tidbits about the world of foals!

1. Foals: Faster to Milk Bar

Foals hit the milk bar faster than teenagers raiding a fully stocked fridge after school: Born with an impressive suckling instinct, these little guys latch on to their mother's milk within minutes of entering the world. In fact, they nurse every 20 minutes for the first few weeks of their lives, but by the prime age of 5 to 7 months, they're getting about 70% of their nutrients elsewhere, making it the perfect time to wean them off their smooth moo-licious treat.
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2. First Steps Masters

Thought your baby took its first steps early? Foals could probably teach them a lesson or two: Within just 30 minutes of being born, foals attempt to stand, and they typically start nursing within an hour and a half to ensure they gain crucial antibodies for a strong immune system!
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3. Impeccable Tooth-Timing

In the realm of dental braces and quarter-life crises, foals have it all figured out with their impeccable tooth-timing tactics: their central incisors spring into action within 8 days of birth, intermediates appear fashionably on time at 8 weeks, and corner incisors RSVP to the mouth party by 8 months, all while sporting wider teeth with shallow roots that they eventually trade in like speed dating for new permanent chompers.
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4. Peter Pan Immune System

Listen up, future horse whisperers and unicorn believers: foals have something in common with Peter Pan – they just don't want to grow up, at least not right away! That's right, these tiny equine cuties just can't better the immune system battle before they hit 3-4 months of age: a crucial consideration when grappling with the dilemma of when to wean those whimsical little wonders.
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Magic Fairy Hooves

5. Magic Fairy Hooves

Foals skip the stiletto phase: They're born with squishy, fairy-like hooves called eponychium that harden within minutes of entering this world, protecting their moms during pregnancy and birth, and vanishing as the foals take their first steps.
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6. Born to Run

Foals must have enrolled in the school of "Run, Forrest, run!" right from day one: their legs are about 90% the length of an adult horse's, which allows them to keep up with the herd and use their innate flight instinct as their primary defence.
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7. Tooth Fairy Rebellion

Behold, the great foal's tooth fairy rebellion: those cheeky dental caps really dig in their heels and refuse to budge, causing quite a bit of horseplay in their tiny mouths. Leaving no stone unturned: retained baby teeth in foals can lead to pain, chewing difficulties, and a host of other symptoms, making it crucial for horse owners to wrangle in those regular dental exams with an equine veterinarian as their foals trot into adulthood.
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