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Discover the Moo-gical World: 11 Udderly Amazing Cow Fun Facts for Kids

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Get ready to moo-ve over to the world of intriguing bovine trivia with these udderly amazing fun facts about cows for kids!

1. Cow Braces & Dental Pads

Cows must have some serious FOMO when it comes to snagging those trendy front teeth braces: they don't have upper incisors! Instead, they rock a sturdy dental pad to chomp down grass and forbs with their 32 teeth, as their bottom incisors rub against the pad for a smooth shredding experience. Young cows even undergo a toothy transformation from birth to adulthood – with their first permanent tooth arriving fashionably late at two years old.
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2. Cow Vision & The Twist

Ever spotted a cow doing the twist to get a better view? Chances are, you won't have to: Cows have an incredible nearly 360-degree vision when their heads are down to graze, but just like us, their binocular vision only spans about 25 to 50 degrees in front of them.
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3. Bovine Besties

Psst, did you know that cows have besties too? They're udderly inseparable! When they hang out together, they don't just chew the cud, they chew the cud best: Cows form strong bonds with certain buddies in their herd, and studies have shown that they experience less stress and have lower heart rates when accompanied by their favorite bovine BFFs. This cowmradery isn't limited to their own species, as they can also bond with other species within the herd.
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4. Cows Need Glasses

Holy cow, cows can't choose a good pair of eye-glasses to save their lives! With horizontal pupils and lazy eye muscles, these moo-velously quirky creatures struggle to quickly focus on the world around them: Shadows and bright lights can spook them easily, and they suffer from a blind spot behind them. So, remember to tiptoe around cows and keep things low-key for our optically-challenged bovine friends.
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Moo-gnetic Compass

5. Moo-gnetic Compass

Cows, the bovine compasses of the animal kingdom: Did you know that these pasture-prowling, udder-toting navigators have a fascinating ability to align their bodies in a north-south direction, just like a compass needle? German scientists made this moo-gnetic discovery using Google Earth satellite images, finding that 2 out of 3 cows from 308 different herds around the world stood oriented in this manner. Curiously, red and roe deer in the Czech Republic share this alignment aptitude, suggesting that some larger land mammals may have moo-nute organs in their brains containing particles of magnetite that steer them like a compass.
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6. Cow's Beauty Sleep

Who needs a bed when you're a cow? These bovine beauties sure know how to hit the hay: Cows prioritize rest over food, spending a whopping 10 to 12 hours a day lying down, with most of their snoozing happening overnight. Their beauty sleep ranges from 6 to 16 hours daily, depending on their living conditions, and they'll even clock in around 4 hours of actual sleep, including under an hour of dream-filled REM sleep.
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7. Natural Cow Lashes

Cows have been batting their lashes since long before mascara was a thing, enjoying the beauty and benefits of natural falsies: Many animals, including llamas, camels, ostriches, and Secretary Birds, possess eyelashes one third the width of their eyes, providing them protection from dust and dryness, and even prompting dog groomers to trim their pet's lashes for added comfort!
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8. Cow's Dental Plan

Who needs the Tooth Fairy when you're a cow? They've got their own built-in dental plan: Cows lack upper incisors, but instead, they have a dental pad in their upper jaw. Meanwhile, they have constantly growing teeth in their lower jaw that gradually get ground down while feasting on fibrous plants!
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9. Cow-ther Forecasters

Cow-ther forecasters reporting live from the fields: Cows can't exactly predict the weather, but they do display behaviors that hint at upcoming changes, like standing during hot weather to release heat or seeking shade when it's sunny – though lying down doesn't necessarily mean rain is on the way.
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Moo-sical Cows

10. Moo-sical Cows

When cows say, "MOOve over, Beethoven, we've got moooosic to make": A 2001 study at the University of Leicester revealed that cows might just be musical connoisseurs, with milk production slightly increasing when they were treated to slow tunes under 100 beats per minute. Though the moo-sical mystery remains unsolved, as replicating these results has proven difficult, it seems cows find soothing serenades udderly mooooving.
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11. Gassy Bovine Belchers

Who knew cows could be so gassy? They might just be the animal kingdom's most notorious windbags! But, it's not all hot air and giggles when it comes to these bovine belchers: These methane-making mooers contribute significantly to global warming, with scientists in New Zealand working tirelessly to reduce their emissions through methods such as modifying feed, using methane inhibitors, developing vaccines, and selective breeding—with the potential to reduce methane by a cool 15% to 30%.
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