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Discover the Top 3 Adorable and Surprising Fun Facts About Calves!

illustration of calves
Get ready to moo-ve your mind with these utterly fascinating fun facts about calves that'll leave you with a new-found appreciation for these adorable baby bovines:

1. Moo-tional Separation Blues

When dairy calves get the "moos like Jagger" from their mama, it's no laughing matter: Calves can remain in a negative emotional state for at least 2.5 days following separation from their mothers, as demonstrated by a study using judgment bias tasks, emphasizing the need for more humane dairy industry practices.
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2. Moo-sical Connection

Cows may not have best-selling albums or concerts, but they definitely know how to moo-nipulate the charts with their distinct vocal stylings: Research shows that cows and their calves can recognize each other's unique mooing sounds, with mama cows belting out louder, higher-pitched moos when separated from their young, and calves singing a distinct tune when in need of some motherly moo-oisture assistance.
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3. Familiar Moo-squad Bonding

Calves clearly must have missed the memo that says, "Don't talk to strangers"! As it turns out, these little bovines are all about making long-lasting connections within their own moo-squad, rather than risking awkward small talk with cow-mrades they don't know: Studies show that calves prefer to spend their time with familiar faces, showcasing their endearing tendency to form solid social bonds, much like humans do within their circles.
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