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Unleash the Power: 4 Amazing Fun Facts About Bulls You Won't Believe!

illustration of bulls
Get ready to grab life by the horns as you dive into some amusing, fascinating, and utterly udderly entertaining fun facts about bulls!

1. Sacred Steaks and Holy Hamburgers

From sacred steaks to holy hamburgers, bulls have been both worshipped and served with a side of fries throughout history: Ancient Egyptians revered bulls like Apis, Mnevis, and Buchis, while also feasting on them after embalming, and ancient Hindu mythology honored Nandi the bull as a vehicle for the god Shiva, but still relished bovine meat and milk in everyday life.
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2. Bullfighting Love and Retirement

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; but when life presents you with a noble bull in the ring, make a plea for love instead of war: In an age-old Spanish bullfighting tradition, if a bull displays extraordinary courage and nobility during a ferocious face-off, the matador can request an "indulto" to spare its life, allowing the deserving beast to retire in style on a ranch, living out its days as a Casanova for breeding purposes.
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3. Eco-friendly Cow Roombas

Bulls as earth's natural Roomba: When cows are managed responsibly, their hoof churning and grazing rotations make them eco-friendly vacuum cleaners of the land, preventing erosion, increasing soil quality, and helping plant life flourish.
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4. Air-conditioned Horns

Ever heard of air-conditioned horns? Hold onto your hats: Ankole-Watusi bulls have large horns filled with honeycombs of blood vessels that not only serve as a defensive weapon, but also help them stay cool in the scorching African heat.
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