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Discover the Quirky World of Armadillos: 12 Amazing Fun Facts You Never Knew

illustration of armadillos
Get ready to unroll the wonderful world of armadillos, as we dig into some amusing armadillo antics and captivating curiosities that'll tickle your fancy!

1. Armadillo Armor

When life gives you lemons, make armor: Armadillos are the only living mammals boasting an entire wardrobe of bony shells protecting their back, head, legs, and tail, thereby earning them the moniker "little armored ones."
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2. Armadillo Mega-Burrows

If you thought that only MTV's Cribs showcased impressive living spaces, then you haven't met armadillos yet: These tiny excavators can dig tunnels and burrows spanning up to 10,000 square feet, putting any human-made man cave to shame.
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3. Aquatic Acrobats

Who needs scuba gear when you've got armadillo flippers? These water-loving creatures moonlight as tiny underwater trapeze artists: Armadillos can hold their breath for an impressive six minutes, enabling them to cross rivers and stroll along riverbeds without being swept away by currents.
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4. Dino-Armadillo Ancestors

Picture an armadillo the size of Optimus Prime and wielding a tail that would make Thor's Mjolnir blush: The glyptodont, an extinct armadillo ancestor, weighed up to 2,000 kilograms and sported a powerful club-shaped tail, dominating as a megafauna during the Pleistocene era before going extinct at the end of the last ice age.
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Texas' Triad of State Animals

5. Texas' Triad of State Animals

What do armadillos, longhorns, and bats have in common besides forming a surreal Texan fever dream? They're all official state animals: Armadillos were declared the official state mammal of Texas in 1927, joining other native species like the Texas longhorn and the Mexican free-tailed bat in a peculiar trio of state symbols.
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6. Master of Disguise

When the three-banded armadillo feels threatened, it subscribes to the age-old belief of "ball don't lie": The armadillo is the only one of its kind that can roll itself into a near-perfect sphere, thanks to its unique shell made of 2,000 keratin scales, divided into unattached anterior and posterior shields, which allows it to tuck its head and legs inside, providing predators no chance of a fleshy feast.
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7. Water Ballet Enthusiasts

If you thought water ballet was exclusively for human Olympians, think again: Nine-banded armadillos are skillful swimmers that gracefully saunter underwater, crossing streams with finesse, and can hold their breath for an impressive six minutes!
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8. Sherlock Holmes of the Animal Kingdom

If Sherlock Holmes were to be reincarnated as an animal, he'd surely want to be an armadillo: These not-so-cuddly sleuths boast a remarkable sense of smell and hearing, with 1/3 of their cerebrum dedicated to being an olfactory detective, sniffing out insects buried up to 6 inches beneath the surface. Their protruding ears are excellent listeners too, picking up on low frequencies in true armadillo fashion as they navigate through their nocturnal and crepuscular escapades.
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9. Guitars with Armadillo Flair

Before fretting over an armadillo's musical career and strumming up some controversy: The charango, a South American guitar, initially featured an armadillo shell soundbox, but due to the quirquincho armadillo's endangered status, modern charangos are crafted with alternative materials like cedar or chestnut and designed to resemble an armadillo shell.
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Inflatable Survival Skills

10. Inflatable Survival Skills

Feeling deflated? Inflate your spirits with some armadillo action: These natural escape artists not only swim like pros, but they can also gulp air and inflate their stomach and intestines to double their size for added buoyancy, holding their breath underwater for an impressive six minutes!
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11. Real Estate Tycoons

If real estate moguls were to learn from anyone, it should be armadillos – these digging virtuosos are the unsung heroes of house-hunting and flipping, providing underground mansions to various critters: This armor-plated critter is a master of excavation, creating multiple burrows for different purposes and unintentionally providing homes for other animals, while their grub-digging habits can even benefit lawns. However, their impressive resume sadly includes being frequent road accident victims.
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12. Leprosy? No Worries!

Fear not, gentle citizens, for our hard-shelled friends, the armadillos, are not as malicious as some rumors may have you believe: While they do carry the bacteria that causes leprosy, the actual risk of transmission to humans is remarkably low, so no need to panic next time you encounter them at a tea party or the opera.
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