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Discover the Quirky World of Aardvarks: Top 10 Fun Facts You Can't-Miss!

illustration of aardvarks
Unearth the quirkiest secrets of the animal kingdom's snout-nosed, insect-munching excavators with these amusing aardvark tidbits that will surely burrow their way into your fact-loving heart!

1. Termite-Eating Rockstars

When not auditioning for the role of Gene Simmons in the termite edition of KISS, aardvarks can be seen rocking their own impressive stage attire as well: With tongues measuring up to 30 cm in length, a single aardvark can scoop up and devour an astonishing 50,000 termites per night.
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2. Aardvark's Dental Wonderland

Did you know that aardvarks are actually part-time dentists' nightmares and craftsmen in their own right? These strange creatures host a tooth-fairy-pleasing potluck inside their mouths: Aardvarks boast teeth made of tightly packed, hexagonal tubes of vasodentin, bonded by cementum, and completely lacking an enamel coating. The most dedicated tooth in an aardvark's mouth can grow up to 1,500 columns - talk about a self-sustaining chomper!
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3. Red Carpet Aardvark Style

Aardvarks may not have the dashing good looks or heroic nuances of Brad Pitt, but they do have the heart-pounding red carpet entrance down pat: with their thick skin designed to withstand the paparazzi of insect bites and stings, rubbery lips perfect for air kisses, a nose that would make Cyrano de Bergerac jealous, and powerful claws to ward off the tabloids, these fascinating creatures are perfectly adapted for their starring role in the blockbuster film, "Mission: Termite Muncher," wherein their stomach even doubles as a loyal insect-grinding sidekick.
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4. Overnight Tunnel Renovators

These burrow-licious builders of the animal kingdom put HGTV stars to shame with their overnight renovations: Aardvarks can dig tunnels up to 10 meters long in just a single night, using their powerful claws and muscular legs for multipurpose living - sleeping, raising their young, and evading fearsome predators like lions and hyenas.
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"Snout-to-Mouth" Diet Enthusiasts

5. "Snout-to-Mouth" Diet Enthusiasts

Aardvarks, the ultimate ant-eaters and believers in the "snout-to-mouth" diet: they rely on their sensitive nostrils, not their memory, to locate and devour scrumptious ant and termite nests each time they go out to get their grub.
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6. Dental School Valedictorians

Have you ever wondered if aardvarks attend dental school? Their unique tooth skills would surely make them the valedictorians of the animal kingdom: Aardvarks possess an extraordinary tooth structure comprised of slender tubes of dentine held together by cementum, enabling their teeth to constantly grow and wear down as they indulge in their ant and termite feasts.
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7. Daredevil Aardvarks

Ever thought that Daredevil could have been played by an aardvark? These quirky superheroes of the animal kingdom don't just wear their unique and tubular disguises, they come equipped with less-than-stellar vision, their own radar-like ear system, and a hunger for all those pesky termites: Despite being colorblind, aardvarks use their highly-developed sense of hearing and independently-moving long ears to dig up and devour up to 50,000 termites per night with their 30 cm sticky tongues, protected by rough skin from bites, while even closing their nostrils to avoid unwanted intruders. Their digging skills rival that of humans armed with shovels - on solid ground, no less!
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8. Supersonic Soil-Shoveling Superheroes

Move over, Superman: Aardvarks have their very own superpower in the form of supersonic soil-shoveling skills! Able to tunnel through a meter of soil in under 30 seconds, these mighty nocturnal creatures can snack on up to 50,000 bugs in a single night.
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9. Underground Clubbing Experts

Aardvarks: the original underground clubbers with the dirt on the coolest hideouts! These expert diggers bust out their moves to create burrows of up to 10 meters, where they can relax away from the heat for an astonishing 18 hours a day.
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Aardvark's Unique Dental Blueprint

10. Aardvark's Unique Dental Blueprint

A star in dental hygiene commercials for mammals, the aardvark must be a misunderstood cousin of ants and bears, you'd surmise: Brace yourself for an extra helping of fact, because aardvarks are so unique, they have their own separate order called Tubulidentata, consisting solely of the African aardvark and sharing closer kinship with elephants, manatees, and hyraxes. Their teeth are an orthodontist's dream, made up of numerous thin tubes of dentine—a one-of-a-kind dental blueprint for the wild!
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