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Creepy Crawly Curiosities: Top 12 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Tarantulas

illustration of tarantulas
Get ready to spin a web of intrigue as we crawl through some fang-tastic fun facts about the astonishing world of tarantulas!

1. Fluffy Secret Weapon

Never judge a tarantula by its hairs: they've got the fluffiest secret weapon in the animal kingdom. Underneath those cute and cuddly exteriors, there's a defensive arsenal of urticating hairs on their abdomens, which they launch like an eight-legged airborne assault team upon unsuspecting predators! These irritating hairs target sensitive noses and eyes, making the tarantula a less-than-ideal dinner guest.
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2. Eight-Legged Speed Demons

Hold onto your hats, folks, because these eight-legged speed demons are about to give The Flash a run for his money: Tarantulas can sprint up to a whopping 1.19 miles per hour in short bursts, thanks to their hydraulic legs that offer impressive speed and flexibility to catch prey or evade predators β€” although, long-distance marathons are still off the agenda for these furry arachnids.
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3. Self-Healing Superpower

Talk about a leg-up on survival: Tarantulas can stop blood flow to a wounded leg, preventing a bloody mess, and even regenerate the lost limb during their next molt!
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4. Gourmet Spider Dining

Feeling peckish like a Tarantula on the hunt? Dinner for eight legs, coming right up: These furry arachnids are gourmet diners, preferring a varied menu of insects like crickets, roaches, and worms, but won't say no to a small side dish of lizards and snakes. Ironically, they're not big fans of mouse-flavored meals.
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Dramatic Exoskeleton Makeover

5. Dramatic Exoskeleton Makeover

Tarantula's version of "out with the old, in with the new" wardrobe change is more dramatic than any reality TV contestant's makeover: During molting, they lie on their side and painstakingly pull out their legs from the old exoskeleton in a slow and fascinating process that can take hours, ending up with a brand new, larger exoskeleton to strut their stuff in.
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6. Fuzzy Fusillade

Beware the fuzzy fusillade of the eight-legged desperado: Tarantulas can launch a barrage of tiny barbed hairs called urticating hairs at their enemies when they feel threatened, causing mere itchiness in humans but proving potentially fatal to small mammals.
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7. Semi-Retractable Claws

You know how cats can retract their claws like a smooth criminal moonwalking away from the crime scene? Well, tarantulas are the shifty arachnid version of our feline friends: Tarantulas possess hinged claws at the end of each leg that can move back slightly into the satae, providing some dexterity but not fully retractable like a cat's claws. Talk about keeping their "talonts" under wraps!
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8. Surprisingly Fragile Daredevils

You might think tarantulas are natural bungee jumpers, but these eight-legged daredevils harbor an unexpected secret: Tarantulas are actually quite fragile, with a simple fall from just a few inches high posing a risk of fatal injury due to their delicate exoskeletons.
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9. Hairdresser from Hell

When tarantulas channel their inner hairdresser, they don't hold back: These eight-legged arachnids flick their urticating hairs from their dorsal abdomen using their hindlegs, causing skin irritation, edema, and pruritus that can last for weeks in their predators – although, African and Asian tarantulas haven't quite joined the hair-flinging trend.
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Overprotective Mom Squad

10. Overprotective Mom Squad

Think your mom's a tad overprotective? Wait till you meet the tarantula mom squad: Some tarantula species only lay a few dozen eggs - a far cry from the hundreds you might expect - and these eight-legged matriarchs are fiercely protective of their precious egg sacs, ensuring the survival of their little arachnid brood.
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11. Venom Tango Dance

Those eight-legged, furry dance partners you never knew you wanted: tarantulas, in fact, possess venom less potent than a bee's! Of course, don't let that fool you into performing the salsa with one, as their fangs might leave you itching and swelling for weeks. Seeking medical help after such an encounter is highly advised, so best to tango cautiously with these jittery fellas.
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12. Itchy Cowboy Showdown

Move over, porcupines and meet the wild west of the arachnid world: tarantulas have got their own hairy situation going on! When they're not line-dancing to scare off predators, these fancy cowboys of the creepy-crawler realm shoot out specialized hairs, known as urticating hairs, from their abdomen in self-defense: Armed and hilarious, these hairs can cause some serious itch and discomfort when they hitch a ride on an unsuspecting predator or even an admirer's skin or eyes, making it critical to treat these furry gunslingers with caution and always clean up after a showdown.
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