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Discover the Buzz: Top 9 Must-Know Fun Facts About June Bugs

illustration of june-bugs
Get ready to buzz with excitement as we unravel the fascinating world of June bugs through these quirky and intriguing fun facts!

1. Egyptian June Bug Connection

Do the "June bug boogie" all the way to ancient Egypt: It turns out these groovy insects are actually part of the Scarab family, which was sacred to the Egyptians and symbolized rebirth and immortality with their fan-like antennae and armored exterior!
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2. Universal June Bug Buffet

Move over, buffet line: June bugs are nature's all-you-can-eat protein platter with a side of comedy for creatures large and small! The hilarious part is that these juicy bugs aren't served on a silver platter; animals like skunks, raccoons, and birds must work up a sweat digging up these nutritious larvae from the soil. The serious reveal: A study in southern Québec shows that June bugs are a culinary delight for 29 insect species, as well as the more charismatic mammals and avian diners that often crash the bug banquet.
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3. Underground Dating Destructors

They may look like a harmless flirt, but June bugs are the mischievous matchmakers of the insect world, tunneling through the underground dating scene for years at a time: These seemingly innocent beetles can wreak havoc on crops and lawns as their fanatically munching larvae dine on plant roots for up to three years, only to blossom as adults, enjoy a hedonistic month-long foliage feast, and then settle down to procreate and start the cycle anew.
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4. May-June Beetle Party

Did you hear about the beetle that can't decide whether it's fashionably late or punctually early? It turns out, it goes by May or June: These catchy little fellas, known as June bugs, can also be called May beetles, as they mate and lay eggs during May and June. But don't be fooled, these party animals stay active throughout the summer, feasting on foliage and dancing around outdoor lights like disco aficionados.
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Global June Bug Jungle

5. Global June Bug Jungle

One could say they're a June-gle of Beetles getting back to their roots - quite literally: June bugs, encompassing almost 300 species of beetles, make their presence known during May and June across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, where they munch on plant and grass roots without discrimination, like a free-spirited, verdant buffet.
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6. Crash-Landing Beetle Pilots

If June bugs were pilots, they'd have a hard time landing, avoiding obstacles, and, well, flying in general: These clumsy critters, also known as May beetles, are infamous for their less-than-graceful flights, often bumping into porch lights, windows, and screens despite being winged creatures.
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7. Light-Bound Karaoke Insects

Feeling bugged by June bugs' unwavering attraction to your porch light? Just like an entomological karaoke bar, these little party animals follow any hit tune that's within their wavelength: June bugs are drawn to lights within the 650 to 300-nanometer range, and can only see lights within that spectrum. Replace your disco ball with warm Yellow or Orange LED lights, and watch as the June bugs perform a vanishing act for a showstopper!
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8. Roguish Lawn Wrecking Crew

If June bugs had business cards, they'd read "Professional Lawn Wreckers" with a cheeky wink emoji: Female June bugs lay up to 75 eggs which hatch into root-chomping larvae, transforming lush grass into drought-stressed yards as if they're part of a mischievous insect landscaping crew.
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9. Bumbling Party Crashers

Watch out, party crashers: June bugs are coming to get lit! These clumsy beetles often steal the spotlight at summertime soirées, piloting themselves into porch lights and colliding with windows aplenty: This ungraceful bunch, you see, has a strange attraction to light sources and thus tends to be most active during the early summer months, so prepare for some hilarious encounters with our bumbling guests!
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