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Buzzworthy Discoveries: Top 10 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Hornets

illustration of hornets
Dive into the fascinating world of hornets as we unravel some enthralling tidbits that will surely leave you buzzing with excitement!

1. Hornet Girl-Power

Who runs the world? Hornets! These stinging superstars not only abide by strict girl-power rules, but they also have their very own Beyhive where multiple queens hold the royal reins: The hornet colony is a buzzing social structure containing multiple reproductive females, including the queen and some worker bees called gamergates, all cooperating in egg-laying to grow the colony, gather food, and protect their little empire.
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2. Stinging Valedictorians

If hornets attended the PAIN school of stinging, they'd surely be valedictorians with their personal motto being "Go big or go home": Hornets have longer and more powerful stingers than their fellow wasps and bees, leading to some rather formidable painful experiences and even death in extreme cases.
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3. Hornets vs. Bullet Ants

If you thought bullet ants were just armed insects with a penchant for armed robbery, you might be right about the pain they inflict: While the bald-faced hornet and yellow jacket stings rate a mere 2 on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, the infamous bullet ant earns a staggering 4+ score, inflicting torment for up to 12 hours and earning its title as one of the most agonizing insect stings on Earth!
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4. Badass Bug Renegades

Forget biker gangs and high-speed race cars: hornets are the badass renegades of the insect world, buzzing around with enough venomous attitude to make even the most fearless humans tremble. But did you know: hornets can fly up to 25 miles per hour, and can sting multiple times because their stingers aren't barbed? Plus, some species like the Asian giant hornet can grow up to 2 inches in length and use their venom to paralyze their prey – which is mostly other insects. It's a wild world of venom, speed, and giant bugs out there, folks!
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Sweet-Toothed Exterminators

5. Sweet-Toothed Exterminators

Channeling their inner Candy Crush addicts, hornets binge on sweet treats while moonlighting as fearsome bug-exterminators: European hornets not only hunt large insects such as grasshoppers, flies, yellow jackets, and honeybees, but they also satisfy their sweet cravings by feasting on tree sap, fruit, and honeydew.
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6. Honeybees vs. Hornets

When life gives you lemons, honeybees make lemonade: In a never-ending battle against their sworn nemesis, the fierce hornets, honeybees have devised an impressive range of defense tactics including physical, chemical, and behavioral barriers to safeguard their nests and hives from brutal hornet invasions.
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7. Peculiar Hornet Hideaways

Much like introverts choosing their favorite hideaways to escape socialization, hornets have a knack for picking peculiar patches to set up their humble abodes: European hornets nest in wall voids, tree branches, and shrubs, or under house siding and crawl spaces, while giant European hornets prefer sheltered spots away from sunlight and moisture, and Asian giant hornets occupy pre-existing animal tunnels or spaces near rotting tree roots for their underground lairs.
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8. Winged Eco-Warriors

Here's the buzz, folks: hornets are actually the misunderstood good guys of the insect world, taking care of our planet with a little help from their venomous stingers. Forget Marvel's Avengers, these winged warriors have been saving the day in their own backyard – one garden pest at a time: Hornets, surprisingly, are not naturally aggressive and only sting if threatened or their nest is disturbed. In fact, they play a crucial role in the ecosystem as predators of other insects such as spiders and caterpillars, and their incredible nests can house anywhere from 100-700 hornet heroes!
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9. Nature's Little Hitmen

Ever thought of hornets as nature's little hitmen? They take out the pests, sip on some sweet nectar, and call it a day: Hornets, while somewhat terrifying, play an important role in controlling pest populations, feasting on fruit juices, honeydew and nectar, while their offspring savor a diet of carrion, prepared meat, and squishy insects like crickets and grasshoppers.
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Avant-Garde Architect Hornets

10. Avant-Garde Architect Hornets

Move over, Frank Gehry: hornets are the true avant-garde architects of the insect world. With a pinch of wood and a dash of saliva, these little guys create masterpieces that put your average honeybee to shame: The bald-faced hornet constructs intricate nests from chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva, creating a paper-like material that insulates the outer layers. Within, you'll find a bustling city of hexagonal cells, just like a bee's honeycomb, where workers diligently tend to the larvae until they're ready to level up and enter the pupal stage, complete with their own custom-made privacy screen.
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