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Buzzworthy Brilliance: 6 Fascinating Bumblebee Fun Facts You'll Want to Share

illustration of bumblebees
Get ready to buzz with delight as we unveil a hive of fascinating and little-known tidbits about the amazing world of bumblebees!

1. Sherlock Holmes of Insects

Just when you thought bumblebees were simply buzzing around to the beat of their own wings, it turns out they've got quite the memory skills too – perhaps they're the Sherlock Holmes of the insect world: Bumblebees can remember details like colors, scents, and patterns of various flowers throughout their lives, but can also experience memory errors, especially when trying to memorize multiple flower types, similar to humans.
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2. Buzzing Booty Heaters

Have you ever wondered why bumblebees don't freeze or buzz off during chilly weather? It's because they've mastered the art of shaking their buzzy booties to warm up: Bumblebees elevate their thorax temperature between 30°C and 40°C by shivering their flight muscles, allowing them to withstand colder temperatures than most other insects. But in really cold spells, some bumblebees, particularly queens, may need a little external help to heat up and take off again.
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3. Speedy Bumble Gonzales

These busy buzzers could give Speedy Gonzales a run for his money: Bumblebees can fly up to 15.7 km/h, quickly covering distances up to 2.2 km from their colonies for foraging, all while spending just about 1.2 kJ/h for their speedy endeavors!
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4. Chubby Champions of Flight

Despite rumors that bumblebees take "flaunting your curves" to new heights of buzzing bravado, these chubby champions of the sky have something other than oversized bodies at the heart of their flight plans: their wings are deceptively small compared to their body size, but thanks to a breakneck wingbeat frequency and fancy footwork in fluid-dynamics, they achieve lift-off with enviable ease!
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Electric Flower Whisperers

5. Electric Flower Whisperers

When bumblebees aren't busy inspiring famous pop stars with their "bee-havior," they're fine-tuning their electric flower-picking skills: Bumblebees can detect and distinguish different floral electric fields, using these signals to effectively communicate with flowers and gather vital information about their nectar and pollen reserves.
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6. Bumblebee GPS Masters

Bumblebees sure know how to bee-quip themselves with top-notch GPS skills, making it much easier for them to track down the nearest pollen pitstop: With built-in path integration and celestial navigation, these fuzzy fliers can discover their way back home, even after being subjected to anesthesia and surgery—truly the ultimate comeback kids of the insect world.
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