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Discover the Charm: Top 6 Amazing Fun Facts about Texas Coastal Plains

illustration of the-coastal-plains-of-texas
Dive into the fascinating world of Texas coastal plains, where quirkiness meets natural beauty and curiosity takes flight.

1. Feral Hog Invasion

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home, and this little piggy caused mayhem in the Texan Coastal Plains: Hill County is plagued by a whopping 10,000 feral hogs, resulting in significant damage to crops, property, and prompting authorities to establish a bounty program for hog tails - remember to take the one-hour feral hog management class before you go bounty hunting, though!
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2. Vacation Hotspot for Birds

When birds need a Texan vacation, they choose the coastal plains for the ultimate layover spot: Millions of waterfowl and neotropical migratory birds annually rely on the wetlands and coastal islands of Texas to rest, feed, and recharge their avian batteries during their epic journeys between North and South America, making the region one of the most important migration hubs on Earth.
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3. Turtle Love Nest

Although the Texas Coastal Plains sound like the perfect setting for a cheesy beach-themed romance novel, the real stars of the show are the captivating sea creatures: The endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtles call these shores home, using the Gulf of Mexico's sandy beaches as prime nesting grounds, while conservation efforts are helping to stabilize their dwindling population.
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4. Home for Rare Creatures

If you think the coastal plains of Texas are only for those chasing beach bods and sunsets, you'll be surprised to learn who's really ruling the roost: The Texas Gulf Coast is a safe haven for rare and endangered species like the Attwater's prairie chicken, Eastern brown pelican, Eskimo curlew, piping plover, and whooping crane, all nestled into marshes, river bottomlands, and offshore islands in their quest for coastal living.
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Geologic Blockbuster

5. Geologic Blockbuster

If the coastal plains of Texas were a blockbuster movie, they'd be called "Sedimentary, My Dear Watson: The Geologic Chronicles" featuring the thrilling adventures of ancient mountains, underwater escapades, tectonic shenanigans, and even a cameo by a volcanic eruption: In reality, the coastal plains of Texas boast a complicated and diverse geologic history, with rocks revealing evidence of marine life, volcanic activity, and tectonic plate movements that continue to shape the face of modern Texas with their mineral wealth.
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6. Real-life Ninja Turtles Rescue

Step aside, Ninja Turtles – Texas has its own turtle heroes in half-shells: Texas beaches are pivotal nesting grounds for the green sea turtle, hosting around 87% of their nests. The Gulf of Mexico, Laguna Madre, and Mansfield Channel create vital habitats for these flippered friends, with Padre Island National Seashore as their Turtle Tower. Winter months see the team of staff, volunteers, and a Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network rescuing about 4,000 turtles immobilized by the cold. These sea-rescuing squads not only save our cold-stunned pals but rehabilitate and release them back into the wild. Cowabunga, indeed!
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