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Discovering the Sky-High World: Top 9 Fun and Fascinating Facts about Storks!

illustration of storks
Dive into the world of long-legged, baby-delivering wonders with these fascinating and entertaining fun facts about storks!

1. White Stork Wetland Buffet

What do Betty White, Vanna White, and carnivorous birds have in common? These two sly celebrity storks and their cousins sure know how to dig in at a wetland buffet!: The white stork is a voracious eater, feasting on everything from worms and insects to small mammals and reptiles, and can be found in open wetlands and savannas across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, braving a wide range of temperatures.
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2. Storks: The Original Globe Trotters

Storks: the original globe trotters with better navigation skills than your GPS! These long-legged aviators clock in up to 20,000 km flying from Denmark to Africa and back, using thermal air currents to hitch a ride and splitting into two carefully synchronized migration routes - western ones high-fiving the Gibraltar Strait, and eastern ones taking a scenic detour through the Middle East, sometimes in flocks of a whopping 11,000 individuals.
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3. Saddle-billed Stork Dance Party

Who needs a ballroom when you've got wings and a beak?: Saddle-billed storks engage in a unique courtship ritual involving beak clapping and an intricate dance where they jump and flap in unison, strengthening their bond as lifelong mating partners.
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4. Poland's King of Storks

"Move over, Marvel superheroes: the King of Storks has arrived!" When you thought your avian enthusiasm was soaring, there's a man in Poland who's taken it to new heights, dedicating his life to coaxing storks to his rural property and erecting high platforms for their colossal nests: In Zywkowo, a village in Poland's north, this man is revered for hosting 43 pairs of nesting white storks, whose magnificent tangles of twigs can weigh up to 500 pounds and reach dimensions of nine feet tall and six feet wide.
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Stork Percussion Ensemble

5. Stork Percussion Ensemble

While most birds prefer to serenade us with mellifluous tunes reminiscent of a Grammy-winning pop diva, storks prefer to stick to their own avant-garde percussion ensemble: they communicate through bill-clattering, a vital aspect of their language, especially during the breeding season and when bonding with their fellow stork kin.
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6. LGBTQ+ Stork Love Story

In a tale that would make even Cupid blush, the stork world is having a Pride parade of its own, proving that love truly does conquer all - even in the avian realm: A rare same-sex pairing of white storks has recently occurred in the Czech Republic, with the female couple laying eight eggs, leaving ornithologists eager to see if the LGBTQ+ stork love story will result in hatching babies.
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7. Stork Thermo-express Adventures

Next time you're feeling hot and bothered, channel your inner stork: these savvy avian adventurers are experts in catching free rides on the "thermo-express" during their migrations! Hilarious prelude: By hitching rides on atmospheric thermal convection currents, black storks effortlessly increase their flight activity and speed during their 27-day-long, 4,100 km journey between Europe and Africa, perfectly timing their travels to maximize these energy-saving perks.
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8. Stork Rom-Com Stars

Love knows no distance, especially when it comes to a couple of storks who put those rom-coms to shame: Klepetan, a male stork, has flown over 14,500 kilometers (9,000 miles) from southern Africa to Croatia each year for the past 16 years to reunite with his disabled partner Malena, raising 62 chicks together and becoming the ultimate lovebirds in the process.
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9. Marabou Stork's Strange Cravings

If storks delivered your grub, you'd have some strange cravings, too: Marabou storks feast on carcasses, stockyards, and trash heaps, while munching on a side of fish, termites, locusts, frogs, lizards, snakes, rats, mice, and birds, but don't believe the tale about them snacking on baby crocodiles.
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