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6 Amazing Fun Facts About Starlings You Won't Believe!

illustration of starlings
Get ready to be star-struck by the enchanting world of starlings, as we unveil some delightful tidbits about these magnificent, feathered wonders.

1. Fashion-Forward Beaks

Who ever said black was the new black? Starlings clearly missed the memo and opted for a seasonal wardrobe update: Their bills transform from a monotonous black to a fabulous bright yellow during mating season, adding a splash of pizzazz to their predominantly black feathers.
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2. Electric Drill Impersonators

Did you hear the one about the starling who thought it was an electric drill, only to realize it sounded more like a siren? Here's the punch line: Starlings are known for their acrobatic flying skills and uncanny ability to imitate a wide range of sounds, including other birds, sirens and even electric drills, although their impersonation skills stop short of mimicking human speech and musical instruments.
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3. Mozart's Feathered Friend

Who says birds can't be classical music maestros?: While it's true that Mozart kept a pet starling in the 1700s, the feathered virtuoso didn't actually mimic his own compositions. Instead, starlings are famous for their vocal mimicry skills, and Mozart most likely taught his bird a melody in the pet store where he found it. As a true avian aficionado, Mozart even held a funeral for the starling when it passed away, because let's face it, who wouldn't remember their melodious muse?
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4. Voracious Eaters & Fruit Thieves

If you've ever wondered who's eating all the bugs and stealing a fruit salad's worth of our snacks, look no further than the mighty European starling: these feisty feathered fiends can gobble down up to 50% of their body weight in a day, making them a formidable force in the all-you-can-eat buffet that is the world, where they've successfully invaded nearly every habitat, all thanks to their love for insects and fruits alike.
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Date Night Makeover

5. Date Night Makeover

You know how we humans spruce up before date night with a crisp outfit? Starlings have their own fashion trick for courting: exposure therapy! Once the cream-colored tips of their head and body feathers wear off from all that rubbing, they reveal a sleek, chic breeding plumage: Feather wear works its magic, transforming the birds into dashing suitors ready to woo their mates, a technique that is not only visually appealing but related to successful fertilization. Talk about a makeover with serious benefits!
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6. Sky Dance Party

You'd think starlings were attending a fancy soiree, what with all the names they have for their get-togethers: chattering away, cluttering the skies, or even congregating like they're having Sunday lunch! But the real belle of the ball is when these birds throw a wicked shindig they like to call a murmuration: These synchronized movements of starling flocks in the sky, known as murmurations, are a breathtaking ballet that stem from the Latin word "murmurare" – which means "to murmur". This delicate dance allows these avian party-goers to show off their scintillating moves, all while teaching us a thing or two about the beauty of collective nouns.
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