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Discover the Amazing World of Quetzals: Top 10 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of quetzals
Get ready to dive into the colorful and fascinating world of quetzals, where you'll discover the quirkiest and most amazing facts about these nature's majestic gems!

1. Rapunzel's Avian Rival

Move over, Rapunzel, there's a new show-off in town whose impressive tail is sure to sweep fair maidens and avian admirers off their feet: The male quetzal, during mating season, grows twin tail feathers that reach a stunning 3 feet long, triple the length of their body, using these elegant appendages in an aerial dance to charm and impress females.
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2. Quetzal, the Feathered Fashionista

Move over Kardashians, the quetzal family has the original feathered fashionistas strutting their stuff since the Aztec times! These vibrant birds sported sky-high plumes even before there was an Instagram to flaunt them on: The resplendent quetzal's name comes from the Nahuatl language, meaning "tall upstanding plume" and "quetzal tail feather". Revered by ancient Aztecs and Maya, these birds brought glamour to mythology as symbols of goodness and light.
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3. Avocado Aficionados

You know how people love avocados? Apparently, quetzals can't resist them either! Some might even call them "avocado aficionados": These beautiful birds have a diet that mostly consists of wild avocado, figs, and berries, making them unquestionably frugivorous creatures.
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4. Quetzal Babies: Pint-sized Hipsters

Ready for an a-peel-ing tidbit about some tiny fruitarians? Quetzal babies are like pint-sized hipsters, adding fancy organic fruit to their eclectic menu long before it's cool: Starting from just their second day of hatching, these nestlings already develop a taste for fruit, despite insects, snails, and lizards still dominating their dietary universe. But fear not, the father quetzal dons his metaphorical apron to provide the lion's share of the grub, and both parents work diligently to ensure their little ones fledge with full bellies and plenty of culinary options.
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The Mid-Air Snack Attack

5. The Mid-Air Snack Attack

You've heard of the phrase "catching flies with chopsticks," but what about quetzals swallowing fruit on the fly? These avian acrobats take snacking to a whole new level: The Resplendent Quetzal has the unique ability to gobble up fruit from the Lauraceae family in mid-air, often performing sallies to pluck the tasty morsels right off the trees.
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6. Catch and Release Feather Burglars

Who says crime doesn't feather?: The glorious quetzal bird - once the bling master of the ancient Aztec and Maya - was so revered for its beautiful iridescent green tail feathers, that killing one would land you on the wrong side of the law. Instead, peeps plucked those fabulous feathers and set the bird free, while the quetzal strutted into legend, earning its red chest by dipping it in the blood of a warrior prince.
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7. A(vee)ocado Fine Dining Experience

Who says avocados are just for toast? In the avian world, quetzals have turned this brunch favorite into an exclusive fine dining experience: These magnificent birds primarily feast on wild avocados in Central America, with their stomach acids elegantly (and efficiently) stripping the flesh off the seed before regurgitating it, ensuring they also dabble in insects and small animals for a well-rounded diet.
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8. Belle of the Quetzal Ball

If quetzals were to attend a fancy soirée, they'd surely be the belle of the ball, stealing the spotlight with their captivating attire: This radiant fashion sense is all thanks to the microscopically intricate architecture of their feathers, which boast minuscule air pockets that reflect light, producing the whimsical iridescence characteristic of these mesmerizing avian beauties.
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9. Feathers Fit for Royalty

Birds of a feather flock together, except when you're the Resplendent Quetzal and your feathers are so posh that rulers wear them as a status symbol: This sacred Mesoamerican bird was revered by the Aztecs and Mayans, who used its shimmering green feathers in headdresses to connect to the god Quetzalcoatl and even employed them as a form of currency, making it the OG feathered fashionista and bank of the animal kingdom.
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Seed-Dispersing Friends of the Forest

10. Seed-Dispersing Friends of the Forest

It's not just a smash of avocado that keeps hipsters grinning ear to ear; turns out even exotic birds are fans of the green delicacy: The resplendent quetzal not only dines primarily on fruits from the Lauraceae family, such as avocados, berries, and wild laurel, but also holds a rather critical position in the forest ecosystem as they're rockstars in seed dispersal.
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