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Discover the Colorful World of Parrots: Top 12 Fun Facts You Won't Believe!

illustration of parrots
Get ready to squawk with delight as you uncover these colorful and quirky fun facts about our fascinating feathered friends, parrots!

1. Korbell, the Laughing Parrot

In a plot twist that would leave even the finest stand-up comedians green with envy, a parrot named Korbell seems to have enrolled itself in the school of laughter, perfecting its cackles and giggles as if inspired by the pure joy of a Seinfeld skit: This talented bird, residing in a sanctuary in California's Santa Clara County, can impeccably mimic a woman's laughter, unleashing contagious laughter among all who hear its spot-on impressions, although there's no hard evidence that it's mastered the art of comedic timing quite like its human counterparts.
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2. Polly-fy: Parrots as DJs

Who needs Spotify when you've got Polly-fy: Parrots display an eclectic taste in music, with the ability to curate their own playlists using touch screen devices, and demonstrating preferences for genres ranging from classical to pop, though they typically give a "birdie thumbs down" to electronic dance music - sorry, Avicii!
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3. Baller Beaker: Parrot Basketball Stars

Who needs Air Bud when you've got Baller Beaker?: Parrots can ace the hoops game with their very own, specially-designed basketball set, not only providing them with physical activity and mental engagement but also fostering a stronger connection between them and their owners.
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4. Winged Golfing Prodigies

Who needs Tiger Woods when you've got winged golfing prodigies ruling the roost: Goffin's cockatoos have showcased their astounding problem-solving skills by playing a mini-golf-like game, designed by researchers from the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, the University of Birmingham, and the University of Vienna, in which they had to pop a tiny ball through a hole and then poke it to one side using a stick, triggering a trapdoor mechanism to release a cashew nut. Three out of eleven birds aced this task, each inventing their very own technique, gripping the stick and hitting the ball with exceptional dexterity—previously only observed in primates.
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Punk Rock Parrot Crests

5. Punk Rock Parrot Crests

Who said punk rock was just for people? Enter the parrot: a feathery maestro with a talent for rocking crest feathers like a scene-stealing Mohawk with purpose! That's right: those crests are more than just a statement piece – they serve as a line of communication and intimidation, with the pliable semiplumes transforming from recumbent to recursive to signal mood changes or scare off pesky intruders. And while our domesticated feathered friends may rock the look too, scientists still have much to learn about the molecular and genetic secrets behind these fabulous headpieces.
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6. Parrots' Extraordinary Respiratory Systems

If parrots ever had a slogan, it would definitely be "Just Wing It": Parrots possess an extraordinary respiratory system that comprises air sacs making up one-fifth of their body volume, allowing efficient oxygen transfer for flight – but leaving them more susceptible to airborne toxins.
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7. Existential Crisis Parrots

Knock, knock! Who's there? It's just your friendly parrot having an existential crisis and pondering their own reflection: Although it's inconclusive whether parrots can recognize themselves in a mirror, some, like Alex the parrot, have shown advanced cognitive skills by asking questions about their very existence, intriguing researchers about their potential self-awareness.
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8. Parrots: Nature's Furry Wiretaps

If snooping and squeaking were an Olympic sport, parrots would surely take home the gold: These colorful chatterboxes have been known to induce scandal by accidentally revealing their owner's illicit affairs and unguarded words. Though their gift of gab might make them seem like nature's furry wiretaps, it's crucial to remember that Polly should only be trusted to crack pistachio shells, not infiltrate top-secret conversations.
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9. Left or Right-wing Parrot Politics

Whoever said parrots are "left-wing" or "right-wing" might not have been totally off their perch: Australian parrots actually have strong foot preferences when handling food, with some favoring their left foot and others their right. Their "handedness" has ancient roots in their evolutionary history and seems to be related to their foraging style, with big-bodied parrots showing stronger laterality for complex tasks like extracting seeds from seedpods, while smaller-sized parrots may have lost this trait as they adapted to grazing on tiny seeds and blossoms in arid environments.
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Sleep Shuffling Masters

10. Sleep Shuffling Masters

Parrots sure know how to "wing it" when it comes to catching some Z's, flaunting their mastery in the art of sleep shuffling: Depending on their species, these colorful avian virtuosos can have various light/dark cycles, with some needing to tweak their sleep schedule seasonally, going from 10 hours of daylight in winter to 14 hours in summer, while tropical buddies aren't too finicky about such bedtime acrobatics.
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11. Parrots: Psychic Emotional Sidekicks

Parrots, the psychic sidekick we never knew we needed: They have an uncanny knack for sensing emotions and energy around them, making them able to pick up on subtle changes in body language and facial expressions, ensuring a sitcom-worthy household for their human counterparts.
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12. Zygodactyl Feet: Grasp Masters

Step aside, human hands, there's a new grasp-master in town: Parrots have zygodactyl feet that allow them to grip and manipulate objects with remarkable dexterity, rivaling our own finger acrobatics as they deftly handle branches, food, and even toys!
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