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Top 10 Amazing Magpie Moments: Fun Facts and Secrets Revealed!

illustration of magpies
Dive into the fascinating world of magpies and discover the quirky, surprising, and downright amusing secrets of these chatty, intelligent birds!

1. Shiniest Bird on the Block

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the shiniest of them all? Step aside, Cinderella, magpies have got you beat with their tail feathers: These avian acrobats boast an iridescent plumage that creates a dazzling prism effect, revealing stunning blues and greens - especially in adult birds with intact feathers. Sorry, fledglings and the feather-worn, you've got a little less sparkle!
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2. Gossiping Magpie Gatherings

If you thought family reunions were chaotic and overflowing with gossip and intrigue, you've clearly never been to a magpie gathering: these feathered socialites have a penchant for assembling in groups known as a mischief, conventicle, congregation, charm, tribe, or even parliament – a title shared with their wise, but less flamboyant, distant cousins, the owls.
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3. Magpies vs. Shiny Objects

Move over, magpie jewel thieves: movies and myths had us believe these feathery brigands have an eye for swiping our sparkly valuables, but science says otherwise! Factual statement: According to a study by Exeter University, magpies are actually wary of shiny objects, preferring to keep a cautious distance from glittering or painted items, and simply display natural curiosity towards various objects.
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4. Magpie Mirror Self-Recognition

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest bird of all? Turns out the magpies aren't too modest to ask this question for themselves: only the Eurasian magpie and Indian house crow have demonstrated mirror self-recognition by passing the standard mark test among avian species.
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Magpie Detective Skills

5. Magpie Detective Skills

If you've ever thought you caught your reflection trying to outsmart you, chances are you were hanging out with a magpie – nature’s answer to Sherlock Holmes: Magpies are the only non-mammal species to recognize themselves in a mirror, boasting intelligence and skills that range from solving complex problems to snatching chicken eggs, feasting on insects and small mammals, and having eyesight so sharp that they can sense danger and escape capture with the ease of a winged Houdini.
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6. Magpies: Avian Einsteins

If Einstein were a bird, he'd be a magpie: These brainy birds possess a brain-to-body-mass ratio similar to humans, aquatic mammals, and great apes, displaying jaw-dropping cognitive feats such as tool-making, human speech imitation, grieving, game-playing, teamwork, and passing the mirror test only achieved by four other animal species.
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7. Magpie's Fine Dining Habits

Behold the magpie: nature's picky eater refusing to dine on the cuisine of the dead, opting instead for Michelin-starred insect dishes or a barely-touched plate of Whiskas. Don't expect any compliments to the chef, though – they'll simply bury their leftovers for a midnight snack: Magpies consume a diverse array of food like insects, fruits, dog and cat food, often storing excess grub by burying it; however, contrary to popular belief, they usually avoid feasting on carrion, focusing on live prey and scavenging.
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8. Magpies: Self-Aware Nest Builders

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the smartest bird of them all? It could very well be a magpie: These sly avian architects not only build nests fit for royalty, but they also possess the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror, preening those hard-to-reach spots and showing a level of self-awareness that rivals humans and our primate cousins.
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9. Funerals and Heists: Magpie Style

Magpies: the birds that put the "fun" in funeral! These mischievous avians have a knack for crashing last rites and cracking safes like feathered Ocean's Eleven crew members: Magpies are known for their highly social nature, often living in large colonies with numerous nests, hosting funerals for their fallen comrades, and even testing the defenses of established territories to potentially seize control.
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Magpies: Feathered Geniuses

10. Magpies: Feathered Geniuses

Magpies, the feathered Einsteins of the bird world, have got a real "peck"-uliar talent for outsmarting us mere Homo sapiens: Flaunting a brain-to-body mass ratio equivalent to aquatic mammals and great apes, these sly corvids master the art of crafting tools, enjoying games, working in groups, mimicking human speech, and even mourning for their own. With the ability to pass the “mirror test”—an intellectual feat only four other species share—they're truly proving themselves as winged wonders of the animal kingdom.
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