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Discover the Delightful World of Fiordland Penguins: Top 12 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of fiordland-penguins
Dive into the quirky world of Fiordland penguins and discover tidbits that will make your heart waddle with joy!

1. GPS-less Navigators

Without consulting Waze or Google Maps, these charming Fiordland penguins moonlight as expert navigators, making even Magellan green with envy: These adorable adventurers can cover an astounding 4,350 miles (7,000 km) in just eight weeks during their post-breeding journeys, all without the use of modern GPS technology!
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2. Drama Queen Penguins

Who invited the drama club? Fiordland penguins are both timid yet aggressive, boasting impressive acting skills to shiver and cower from humans while also puffing out their cheeks and hissing like angry serpents for an encore: In reality, these shy drama queens not only display aggressive behavior towards each other but also strengthen their bonds through vocal and physical performances, including loud calls and theatrical head swinging.
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3. WWE Smackdown: Penguin Edition

Though they may seem timid and shy, Fiordland penguins have a flair for dramatic duels worthy of a WWE smackdown: these feisty flightless birds puff out their cheeks, open their beaks, and aggressively beat each other with their flippers, not just during courtship, but also to strengthen their bonds, making their relationships more intense than a soap opera showdown.
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4. Opera Singing and Synchronized Swimming

When Fiordland penguins aren't busy moonlighting as opera singers in bird-sized helmets and tuxedos, they're likely perfecting their synchronized swimming routine and secret language: These aquatic virtuosos communicate using an impressive array of visual and vocal signals, often barking underwater and performing dramatic head-swinging displays on land to strengthen bonds and woo potential mates.
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Adventurous Buffet: Antarctic Edition

5. Adventurous Buffet: Antarctic Edition

These penguins sure have their flippers full in the adventurous buffet: Fiordland penguins, or Tawaki, swim an impressive 2,500 km from their southern New Zealand breeding grounds to the Antarctic for a dining experience unlike any other, with successful breeders venturing even further to the subarctic front, 750 km beyond their food-chasing peers who settle for the subtropical front near Tasmania.
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6. Passive-Aggressive Family Gatherings

If you think your family gatherings are a bit awkward with the passive-aggressive hissing and the cheek-puffing, wait till you meet these party crashers from the southern hemisphere: Fiordland penguins are known to shy away from human interaction but become feisty with their fellow penguins, engaging in confrontations that involve puffing out white spots on their cheeks, opening their beaks, pointing their heads or bodies forward, and hissing while trying to grab each other and beat with their flippers.
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7. Happy Marriage: Weight Gain and Loss

These Fiordland Penguins clearly know the secret to a happy marriage: packing on the pounds together and then shedding them in a couple's retreat! No, seriously: these fascinating birds increase their body mass up to 5 kg before losing half their weight during a moult, sticking close to their mates and nest sites all the while, before heading to sea for the summer and returning home for breeding season.
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8. Secret Society of Tawaki

Hidden away like a secret society with no humans allowed, Fiordland penguins, aka tawaki, could easily be mistaken for undercover agents in the avian world: These rare and elusive New Zealand natives prefer nesting spots buried under fallen trees, rock crevices, and other secluded nooks of coastal forests, which, along with their general aversion to captivity, makes these penguins some of the most mysterious and least understood of their kind.
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9. Hypnotic Eyebrow Envy

Serving up eyebrow envy on a yellow platter, the Fiordland penguins have aced the art of hypnotic stripy flair that runway models could only dream of: Their dazzling yellow eyebrow stripe sets them apart from the monochrome penguin crowd, as it arches gracefully over the eye, cascading down the neck to create a resplendent crest that screams, "I'm fabulous, and I know it!"
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Accidental Barnacle Fashion

10. Accidental Barnacle Fashion

Who needs a car wash when you're a swim-loving penguin with a knack for accidental coastal hitchhikers? These fancy Fiordland fellas have discovered the ultimate ocean fashion accessory: barnacles on their tails! The seriously nautical reveal: This unique decoration indicates that Fiordland penguins spend a significant amount of time at sea, expertly foraging for food and dodging predators in their marine playground.
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11. Forest-dwelling Penguins

These penguins might have missed the memo on oceanfront property: Fiordland penguins prefer to cozy up in dense forests, hiding their nests beneath rocks and lush vegetation, or even taking up residence in caves.
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12. Nocturnal Party Animals

While most of us are binge-watching the latest Netflix series at night, these fashionable feathered friends are living it up like true party animals of the avian world: Fiordland penguins lead nocturnal lives during the breeding season, hiding at their nest sites during daylight and only coming out to play when the sun goes down.
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