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Discover the Sky: Top 13 Amazing Eagle Facts for Kids to Soar Their Curiosity

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Get ready to spread your wings and soar as you discover some amazing, kid-friendly fun facts about the majestic and fascinating world of eagles!

1. Daredevil Pilots

Unable to resist the pull of altitude sickness, eagles moonlight as daredevil pilots, breaking altitude records as they scale the skies searching for meals: These sky rulers can soar up to 20,000 feet above sea level, utilizing rising air currents and their expertly adapted lungs and hemoglobin to spot appetizing prey from their lofty perches.
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2. Stylish White "Wigs"

Bald eagles, the supermodels of the bird world, are really good at playing "hard to get" - sporting mysterious white "wigs" for added allure: These stylish white feathers on their heads actually signal their sexual maturity and help attract mates, transforming at about age 5 from their previous dark and broody headgear.
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3. Unsophisticated Foodies

Eagles: the surprisingly unsophisticated foodies of the sky! It turns out these majestic flyers have nothing against a varied diet without any Yelp reviews: Bald eagles mainly feed on fish, but have been known to enjoy waterfowl, turtles, rabbits, and even turkeys, eating between 250-550 grams of food per day, making up 5-10% of their body weight.
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4. Eye-gles Extraordinary Vision

If eagles were to open an eye clinic, they'd have plenty of advice for us mere humans with our puny vision; after all, they didn't earn the nickname "eye-gles" for nothing: These birds of prey boast an eyesight that is 4 to 8 times stronger than ours, with the ability to spot a rabbit or fish from up to 2 miles away, and even enjoy stunning 20/5 vision.
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Golden Eagle Migration

5. Golden Eagle Migration

Hold on to your feathers, kids, because these sky lords are ready to take flight in a big way: Up to 2,000 golden eagles migrate through Glacier National Park in Montana every fall, making their annual journey amidst the challenges posed by human activities and landscape changes.
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6. Sky Pirates

Eagles, the original pirates of the sky: did you know that scientists have discovered that a bird's brain size in relation to its body size is a better indicator of whether it's likely to engage in kleptoparasitism (food-stealing) than just its size? These feathery bandits and other birds might adopt piracy as one of their hunting tactics, but it's definitely not their only way of snagging dinner.
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7. Monstrous Bird Nests

Next time you're playing "Would You Rather," consider this: would you rather be hit by a car, a baby hippo, or an absolutely monstrous bird nest? Brace for impact: Bald eagles in Alaska construct the largest nests of any bird in North America, with some weighing a staggering two to three tons – more than some automobiles, bears, and even baby rhinos!
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8. Hopeless Romantics

You might think eagles prefer speed dating, but they're actually hopeless romantics: American Bald Eagles mate for life and participate in a mesmerizing courtship ritual involving high flights, locking talons, and spiraling back down, a performance they can repeat throughout the year.
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9. Parental Power Couple

Eagle parents are the ultimate power couple, demonstrating a level of commitment that makes Romeo and Juliet look like amateurs: both the male and female eagles share egg incubation duties and raising their offspring, returning to the same nest year after year, adding material to make it bigger and taller as a show of their feathery dedication and love.
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Age Defying Flyers

10. Age Defying Flyers

These winged marvels age better than fine wine, dodging the mythical fountain of youth at every swoop: Bald eagles in the wild can enjoy three decades of soaring skies, with their captive counterparts clocking in at a stunning 50 years! However, their early days aren't all smooth flights; sadly, only 1 in 10 eaglets shake off their fluffy down and don their grown-up feathers at the ripe old age of 5.
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11. Avian Penthouses

Eagle homes are like the ultimate avian penthouses, with prime waterfront real estate and more sticks than a pick-up game of fetch: Bald Eagles build nests near water that are up to 20 feet deep, weigh a whopping two tons, and boast unparalleled parental security measures to protect their eggs and offspring from hungry troublemakers.
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12. Eagle Mysteries Unraveled

You know how it's tough to tell how old wizards like Gandalf and Dumbledore are, right? Well, eagles have their own magical way of keeping us guessing: Did you know that the plumage of juvenile and immature bald eagles is highly variable and can be difficult to classify? However, once they reach the Himalayan heights of eagle wisdom, at around 5 1/2 years old, their iconic white head and tail feathers fully develop, with females proudly boasting a 25% larger size than males!
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13. Nomadic Winter Life

Bald eagles: they're like those loner digital nomads who head south for the winter, but still manage to find the hippest spots to hang out. Zooming in solo and roosting Airbnb-style in the grandest tree-pads within eight miles of their favorite buffet hotspots: That's how America's patriotic avian migrants like to feather their winter nests!
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