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Discover the Vibrant World of Cardinals: Top 9 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of cardinals
Dive into a world of vibrant red feathers and fascinating trivia with these fun facts about cardinals that are sure to have you chirping with delight!

1. Nature's GPS

Cardinals, nature's adorably efficient GPS systems with wings: These vibrant red beauties possess a remarkable homing instinct that enables them to return to the same location every year, even without parental guidance during migration and with potential detours, suggesting they have a built-in compass and map.
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2. Musical Masterminds

When a male cardinal takes the mic, he reads the room before belting out his Billboard-topper: Male cardinals adjust their songs based on factors like noise level, time of day, and the presence of other cardinals, using fixed song elements to create unique tunes rather than a predetermined set of song types.
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3. Feathered Romeos

Move over, Romeo, there's a new wooing superstar in town: The male cardinal uses his vibrant red outfit and powerful crooning skills to win over his love interests, even going as far as to chase away hopeless romantics in his territory. Once Mr. Cardinal successfully finds his Juliet, he continues to spoil her rotten throughout their nesting season, sharing both home-building duties and food deliveries. Bonus fact: these feathery lovebirds remain faithfully devoted to each other for multiple breeding seasons!
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4. Scarlet Fever Showdown

If you ever wanted proof that "scarlet fever" was real, just take a look at those saucy cardinals dressed to impress in their vibrant red plumage: The brighter their red feathers, the more successful these fiery gents are at wooing the ladies and defending their turf, while also warning predators they're not the easiest targets to snatch.
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Berry Connoisseurs

5. Berry Connoisseurs

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the brightest cardinal of all? Turns out it's a bird-eat-berry world out there, and our flashy red friends better choose their snacks wisely: Male cardinals with more vivid plumage tend to mate earlier and secure better nesting spots, but munching on non-native honeysuckle berries found in urban areas can lead to poorer health and fewer chicks, so it's best for them to stick to native plants with nutritious berries and seeds.
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6. Gourmet Gluttons

These cardinals take all-you-can-eat buffets to a whole new level, feasting on anything from insects to the finest berry au gratin and sipping on maple sap like it's exotic nectar: It turns out, these vibrant birds have quite the appetite, enjoying a diverse range of foods such as seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, suet, and even the occasional sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and live mealworms, making their diet both healthy and delightful.
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7. Half-and-Half Rarity

Talk about a bird having a bit of an identity crisis: a lucky birder in Pennsylvania snapped pictures of a rare northern cardinal exhibiting bilateral gynandromorphism, meaning it is half-female and half-male, with both a functioning ovary and a single testis. Not only are these mixed-sex birds a one-in-a-million find, but their unique red-and-brown appearance makes them stand out like a feathery masquerade party in the world of birdwatching.
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8. Chart-Topping Lovebirds

Move over, Beyoncé and Jay-Z – there's a power couple in the world of birds who have their own chart-topping duets: Northern cardinals! They say relationships are all about give and take, and these cardinals have given a whole new meaning to "feed" each other's love. Now for the serious reveal: both male and female Northern cardinals can sing beautifully, with males defending their nesting territory through song and females crooning mainly during the spring before nesting. Additionally, courting cardinals showcase the males feeding seeds to the females, and even during foraging, the youngsters and females give way to their older and male counterparts.
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9. Red-Hot Dating Game

Who needs a dating app when you can just turn up the red? That's right, Northern cardinal fellas know that a brighter red hue is the key to winning over the ladies: These extra-radiant male cardinals not only enjoy denser vegetation in their territories and feed at higher levels, but they also find more success with females compared to their less colorful counterparts. The melodious songsters have quite the fan base too, as they've been chosen as the state bird for Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina.
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