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Discover Mont Saint Michel: 13 Surprising Fun Facts Beyond Parisian Charm

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Get ready to embark on a whimsical journey exploring the lesser-known, yet utterly fascinating tidbits about the majestic Mont Saint Michel!

1. Tide of the Century Drama

Get ready for some high tide drama, as Mont Saint-Michel prepares to pull off its most spectacular vanishing act: The UNESCO world heritage site morphs into a breathtaking island every 18 years during the "tide of the century," with the most recent performance on April 19, 2021. As the supertide races in at a horse's gallop, it's time to trade in your walking shoes for a life vest, but worry not, the seabed's grand re-entrance during low tide is just as show-stopping!
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2. High Tides and Faith Vibes

Seeking spiritual nirvana or just craving a divine sense of adventure? Mont Saint Michel is your heavenly abode, nestled on high tides and faith vibes: Since 2001, this popular tourist and sacred pilgrimage site is home to the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem, focusing on offering prayers and warm welcomes to travelers, marking its place as one of the 13 revered Sanctuary Cities of France.
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3. Sandcastle Fortress Dreams

Picture a medieval fortress soaring like a giant sandcastle on an island of dreams, all the dragons and damsels just swapped out for an abundance of tourists and crepes: Mont Saint-Michel proudly flaunts its UNESCO World Heritage Site title since 1979 for gracefully aging into a cultural and historical treasure trove.
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4. Houdini-style Disappearing Act

Did you know Mont Saint-Michel moonlights as a massive disappearing act worthy of Houdini himself? Every time high tide rolls in, this treasured Abbey gazes into the ocean and, like an old-timey magician, proclaims, "Ladies and gents, now you see me, now you don't!": The grand Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel is rendered inaccessible for about 1.5 hours during the highest of tides, but fear not! When the tide goes out, guided tours are available for visitors to zigzag their way through the tidal flats, offering rubber boots to keep your tootsies dry and safe during this rather brilliant "behind the scenes" experience.
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Mont Saint-Michel's Cultural Jackpot

5. Mont Saint-Michel's Cultural Jackpot

It's said that everything in moderation is the key to happiness, but Mont Saint Michel didn't get the memo; they went all in and hit the cultural jackpot: This tiny, 400-hectare island boasts over 60 protected historical monuments, serving as a Catholic pilgrimage site with over three million visitors yearly, turning heads with its stunning architecture and undeniable charm.
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6. Prison Break: Medieval Edition

Prison Break: Medieval Edition - Coming to a mount near you! Prepare for an adventure filled with French Revolution drama and a taste of royal confinement. The real twist: Mont Saint Michel served as a prison for political opponents during the French Revolution and even housed prisoners from the monarchy before that, until it shut its iron bars in 1863 and became a "historical monument".
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7. Archangel Michael's Fiery Persuasion

Well, it seems the Archangel Michael really knows how to make a point: rumor has it that Mont Saint Michel's church – initially built on Mont Tombe – only came to fruition after he burned a hole in the head of the Bishop of Avranches, who dared to ignore his dream-based instructions. Twice! Fierce tactics aside, Mont Saint Michel and its surrounding bay are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a tourist magnet, raking in over 3 million visitors annually.
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8. Mont Saint Michel's 13th-Century Wonder

Who needs Game of Thrones when you have Mont Saint Michel? Feast your eyes upon a medieval marvel that could give Westeros a run for its money: The Wonder at Mont Saint Michel, a 13th-century, triple-layer architectural masterpiece, looms 35m high with 16 mighty buttresses, constructed over 17 years. Its various levels once served as a cellar for food, a pilgrim-welcoming chaplaincy, and a regal dining hall, whilst recent findings debunk the idea that manuscripts were created in its scriptorium, revealing it to be more of a reading and study room.
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9. Archangel Michael's Holy Fan Club

Did you know that rock star Archangel Michael has an entire fan club of monasteries lined up in his honor, spanning across Europe and the Middle East? They're like his own holy backstage crew: This collection of awe-inspiring sites, known as the Sacred Line of Saint Michael, stretches from Skellig Michael in Ireland, through St Michael's Mount in Cornwall and Sacra di San Michele, and all the way to Mount Carmel in Israel. Dating back between the 6th and 13th centuries, these sacred spaces symbolize the epic smackdown Michael delivered to the Devil, banishing him to eternity in hell.
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Cozy Tide Blanket Experience

10. Cozy Tide Blanket Experience

Who needs a moat when nature's got your back? Feast your eyes on Mont-Saint-Michel's very own vanishing act: the "tide of the century" rolls in due to celestial twosome – the sun and moon – causing an exceptionally high tide wrapping the island like a cozy blanket, rendering it unreachable for hours. Last witnessed in 2015, grab your calendars as this baffling tide returns to awe in 2033!
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11. Wet and Wild Pilgrim Adventures

Before the days of Instagram-worthy selfies and TripAdvisor's guided pilgrimages, eager adventurers seeking a legendary trek had to get their feet wet – quite literally: the bay walk to Mont Saint-Michel has been a popular path for pilgrims and invaders for centuries, navigating tidal hazards and quicksand as they exposed their souls and soles to the divine journey.
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12. Ecclesiastical Jenga Tower

Something seems fishy in the Diocese of Avranches: perhaps it's the sassy sea-swept island featuring a chaotic combination of chapels, churches, and scholarly monks. Ladies and gents, welcome to Mont Saint Michel – once called Mont Tombe – a spectacular ecclesiastical Jenga tower; dating back to the 4th century, this marvel showcases religious devotion with an impressive collection of buildings thriving on a rocky island and topped by a delectable Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey!
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13. Gravity-Defying Island Living

Whoever said "living on the edge" must have never visited Mont Saint-Michel! This gravity-defying island says, "hold my wine and watch this" as it pulls architectural acrobatics that'll have you questioning reality: The buildings here may seem precariously perched on the brink, but fear not, for they stand firm on the granite rock foundation, with nary a balcony threatening to take a plunge. Instead, visitors are treated to breathtaking views of the bay and coastline, safe and secure on solid ground.
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