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Discover the Sunflower State: Top 15 Fun Facts About Kansas You Never Knew

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Get ready to be blown away by the whirlwind of quirky and fascinating tidbits we've gathered to celebrate the Sunflower State – Kansas!

1. Meadowlark Melodies

In a tale of two Meadowlarks, one sings like a strangled rap artist, while the other prefers a smooth jazz croon: Kansas is home to both Western and Eastern Meadowlarks, each with its own peculiar distinction of yellow feathers below the eye and unique song styles; female Meadowlarks are the nest maestros, weaving dried grass bowls hidden in grass clumps, while these skilled weavers and their mates form winter flocks to keep cozy and well-fed amongst seeds and insects as their prime feasts.
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2. Geographic Heart of America

Whoever said "there's no place like home" must've ventured to the real heart of America: nestled in rural Kansas, a wee park marks the geographic center of the contiguous United States. X marks the spot: the exact point lies at LAT. 39°50' LONG. −98°35', boasting a nifty marker, the U.S. Center Chapel, and a picturesque picnic area—a charming rest-stop for any Dorothy, Toto, or twisty-turny adventure.
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3. The Big Well Museum

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A hole lotta history in Greensburg, Kansas: The Big Well, the largest hand-dug well in the world for over 50 years, was painstakingly excavated in 1887-88 and now houses a whirlwind of a museum celebrating Greensburg's rise as a green city, post a monstrous tornado in 2007, with a tornado-inspired building and artifacts so real, you'd think they were... blown away.
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4. Kansas' Mini Grand Canyon

Kansas: the land of much more than just Dorothy's tornado and prairie turf! Beneath its stoic surface hides a mini Grand Canyon, sporting gullies, ravines, and canyons with a splash of cacti and sagebrush: Arikaree Breaks, nestled in the northwestern corner of Kansas, is an ancient geological formation carved by streams over thousands of years, featuring loess deposits up to 100 feet thick and stretching across state lines into Colorado and Nebraska.
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Home of Heroes and Stars

5. Home of Heroes and Stars

When not fighting for truth, justice, and the American way, or traversing the Yellow Brick Road, our heroes and stars love to put their boots up in the heart of America: Kansas is the birthplace or hometown of iconic characters like Dorothy Gale of The Wizard of Oz, Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural, Clark Kent/Superman, Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island, and Cameron Mitchell from Stargate SG-1, along with DC Comics villain, Gog.
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6. Kansas Geological Uplifts

Who said Kansas is flatter than a pancake? Turns out, they've got a couple of impressive geological uplifts under their belt – or rather, under their soil: The Central Kansas uplift and Nemaha uplift are major structural highs in Kansas' subsurface geology, playing a significant role in its oil and gas production since the early 20th century. So, go ahead and call Kansas "Geology's Best-Kept Secret!".
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7. Helium Heavyweight Kansas

Move over, party balloons and blimps: Kansas was once the helium heavyweight of the world! In April 1964, the world's largest helium extraction plant operated 15 miles northeast of Liberal, processing 850 million cubic feet of natural gas daily and extracting 1 billion cubic feet of helium annually for not just those inflatables but also critical applications such as the space age and nuclear energy production.
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8. BBQ Sauce & Soccer Rivalry

When Kansas City and St. Louis face off in sports, it's not just about the scores - it's a battle of BBQ sauce versus soccer cleats: Though St. Louis holds the title of "Soccer Capital of America" thanks to its rich legacy of professional players and teams dating back to the late 1800s, Kansas City's Sporting KC contends for the spotlight while barbecuing up some mean meaty competition, making the entire rivalry smokin' hot.
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9. Kansas Powerful Tribal Council

Talk about a tribal council meeting! Four fabulous tribes of Kansas have made it their mission to bring Fed-level recognition to the Plains: the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas, the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, and the Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska. Together, they send the message that with great power comes great representation in politics, and they're here to make sure Native American voices are heard loud and clear!
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Prohibition Pioneers

10. Prohibition Pioneers

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but Kansas tried to drown its sorrows in a bit more extreme fashion: As the first state to adopt a constitutional provision banning the manufacture and sale of alcohol in 1880, Kansas was propelled into the spotlight for its early temperance movement, even inspiring bar-smashing citizen Carry Nation and eventually contributing to nationwide prohibition in 1920!
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11. Ghostless Smileyberg

Ghosts of Smileyberg past, lend us your wisdom: While you may be on the hunt for a ghost town in Butler County, Kansas, you would be sorely mistaken to assume Smileyberg qualifies for such spectral acclaim. You see, it never even earned the title of an incorporated town! Back during the oil boom of the 1920s, Smileyberg may have boasted a few businesses, including a store, but alas, it lacked a post office. Today, all that remains are a few houses and two buildings bearing witness to its illusory past.
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12. Rock City's Giant Marbles

Kansas: where giant marbles go to retire in peace: Rock City is home to over 200 "cannonball concretions," some as massive as 27 feet in diameter, showcasing proof of nature's proclivity for spherical rock formations across two football fields, all thanks to the Cretaceous Period's groundwater antics about 100 million years ago.
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13. Bachelor of Dough

Forget cookies and crumpets, how about a degree in dough? In Kansas, you can fulfill your dream of becoming a "Bachelor of Science in Baking": Kansas State University is the only school in the US offering a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Bakery Science and Management, placing a fresh batch of well-educated graduates into high-salary careers with a 100% job placement rate!
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14. Ferret Avengers' Comeback

Get ready for the return of the Furry Avengers to Kansas: Black-footed ferrets, once abundant in the region, have been on a population rebound thanks to a reintroduction program by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service since 2007, particularly in Logan County. Though Kansas has yet to designate any ferret-critical habitats, their action-packed comeback is well underway.
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Mammoth Ball of Twine

15. Mammoth Ball of Twine

If you're ever in a bind and need a monumental amount of twine, Kansas has got you covered: the World's Largest Ball of Twine resides in Cawker City, started by Frank Stoeber in 1953, and it now tips the scales at over 27,000 pounds in 2023. Open for tourists to marvel at 24/7 and even contribute to its girth with an annual twine-a-thon, the town eagerly embraces this mammoth twine wonder in countless displays and paintings.
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