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Discover the Pacific Northwest: Top 9 Fun Facts that Will Surprise and Delight You

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Get ready to explore the quirks and marvels of the Pacific Northwest, where natural beauty meets fascinating peculiarities that will leave you enchanted and amused!

1. Banana Slug Chronicles

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; but when it gives you banana slugs, well, that's a whole different story: These not-so-a-peeling gastropods, exclusive to the Pacific Northwest coastal lowlands, hold the title of North America's largest slug, munch on a varied plant menu (including Poison Oak!), and engage in bizarre mating rituals that could make anyone – gastropod or human – blush.
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2. Twilight Lemonade

When life gives you 120 inches of rain, make Twilight lemonade: Forks, Washington was selected as the perfect gloomy backdrop for Stephenie Meyer's vampire romance saga after she Googled the wettest places in the US, although it's not the absolute wettest town in the contiguous states.
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3. Bigfoot or Black Bear?

In the Pacific Northwest, the search for Bigfoot is like a never-ending game of "Where's Waldo?" – if Waldo were 9 feet tall, hairy, and had a penchant for lurking in remote forests: An estimated 25,000 black bears inhabit Washington's wilderness – the same areas with the majority of Sasquatch sightings – but despite this ample habitat and generations of Indigenous lore, conclusive evidence of the elusive creature remains tantalizingly out of reach.
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4. Oregon's Nutty Treasure

Prepare to go nuts over this Oregonian treasure that has everyone cracking up: Oregon proudly harvests a whopping 99 percent of the U.S. hazelnut crop, earning the tasty nut its revered title as the official state nut in 1989.
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Rain-Soaked Hipsters

5. Rain-Soaked Hipsters

If April showers bring May flowers, then what do year-round drizzles bring? A whole lot of moss-covered hipsters in the Pacific Northwest! Seattle and Portland are the ringleaders of this soggy circus, boasting 156 and 163 rainy or snowy days each year, respectively: Yet, despite their persistent precipitation, these cities receive less annual rainfall than the likes of Miami and New Orleans, with the former drenched in 67.4 inches and the latter soaked in 63.4 inches annually.
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6. Smith Tower's Building Envy

In a classic case of building envy: the Smith Tower in Seattle once flexed its terra cotta muscles as the tallest skyscraper outside of NYC from its grand opening in 1914 until nearly half a century later! In true Herculean fashion, Lyman Smith of Smith-Corona and Smith and Wesson fame aimed to transform Seattle's Second Avenue Canyon into the new downtown hotspot, and even posthumously succeeded in creating a lasting monument that still garners admiration today.
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7. Leavenworth's Lederhosen Swap

In the land where hipsters reign and Bigfoot roams, a tiny town embarks on a fairy tale journey, swapping flannel for lederhosen and exchanging Starbucks for bratwursts: Leavenworth, Washington, swapped its lumberjack roots for a Bavarian facelift back in the mid-1900s and has become a year-round tourist hotspot, complete with German-inspired shops, eateries, festivals, and a magical winter wonderland transformation during the holiday season.
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8. Willamette Valley Wine Gems

For every drunken cab that's praised in Napa, a stealthy noir pinot lurks in the pale Willamette moonlight: The Willamette Valley in Oregon is predominantly known for its Pinot Noir wines, offering a more diverse and scenic driving experience compared to Napa Valley, along with affordable wine tastings and a range of non-wine activities like hiking and family-friendly attractions.
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9. Portland's Bloomin' Party

Who knew that in a region known for moody skies and caffeinated coffee lovers, a bloomin' party full of roses would steal their hearts for over a century? Behold, the Portland Rose Festival: an annual celebration since 1907, featuring parades, a rose show, auto racing, and even nabbing the title of "best festival in the world for 2007" - earning it the rosiest spot on the social calendar for locals and international flower fanatics alike.
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