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Discover the Unknown: Top 5 Amazing Fun Facts About Siberia You Never Knew!

illustration of siberia
Dive into the frosty world of Siberia as we unveil some amusing and fascinating secrets tucked away in the colossal expanse of this snowy wonderland.

1. Frozen Toilets and Oymyakon

When Elsa from Frozen said "the cold never bothered me anyway," she clearly hadn't visited Oymyakon, where toilet trips turn into icy adventures: The village's average winter temperature of -50°C makes indoor plumbing near-impossible, forcing residents to brave outdoor loos and spend up to three days thawing frozen ground with hot coals just to dig graves.
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2. 18,000-Year-Old Dogor

They say every dog has its day, but Dogor had its age: Meet Dogor, an 18,000-year-old frozen pup found near the Indigirka River in Siberia, exhibiting a magnificent culmination of canine evolution with its well-preserved head, nose, whiskers, eyelashes, and mouth. This prehistoric pooch could be the missing link between dogs and wolves, sending scientists into a tail-wagging frenzy and turning Siberia into a hotspot for ancient discoveries unlocked by climate change.
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3. Siberia, Real-Life Narnia

In the land of eternal winter and the real-life version of Narnia, Siberia hides a surprising secret: it's home to 25% of Russia's population, with about 36 million people braving the frost and snow year-round, as per the multilingual publication Russia Beyond.
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4. Scrat's Mammoth Tusk Craze

In the latest "Ice Age" spin-off, Scrat the Squirrel goes global in search of the ultimate prize – mammoth tusks: Unsuspecting of his impact on the world, the real-life scramble to obtain these gigantic treasures from Siberia's permafrost has led to about 80% of them landing in mainland China, where they're fashioned into intricate carvings and trinkets, fueling an illegal trade that threatens one of Earth's most magnificent creatures, the elephant.
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Siberian Winter Swimming

5. Siberian Winter Swimming

Who says the cold should keep you from making a splash? Siberians laugh in the face of hypothermia and turn a frosty affair into a competitive edge: Winter swimming is a big hit in Siberia, where enthusiasts carve out swimming pools from frozen lakes and race each other in the icy waters. Surprisingly, the U.S. is dipping its toes into this frosty craze too, with its first national competition held on the Vermont-Quebec border – and the water was even colder than in Siberia!
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