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Discover the Magic of Frosty Days: Top 23 Fun and Fascinating Winter Facts You'll Love

illustration of winter
Get ready to break the ice with these frosty fun facts about winter that will make even the chilliest of days feel a little warmer!

1. Reindeer Milkshake Re-Check

Before you try shaking things up with a reindeer milkshake, give it a rein-check: traditional Sami and Finnish diets mainly utilize reindeer meat, rather than milk products, since reindeer milk is richer in fat and protein than cow's milk but low in lactose. Historically, it's been used for making butter, curdled for storage, or frozen for later use.
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2. Blue Monday Debunked

Feeling blue on Blue Monday? It might be a marketing scheme in disguise: Created by psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall in 2004 as a marketing stunt, the day uses a "farcical" and "pseudoscientific" equation to determine the gloomiest day of the year, with winter being notorious for affecting people's moods. To counter this bluesy business, Samaritans has launched a "Brew Monday" campaign, encouraging folks to connect with loved ones over a steaming cuppa.
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3. Chill Out, Lose Weight

Whoever said "no pain, no gain" clearly never ventured out into the brisk cold of winter: Exposure to chilly temperatures increases the production of brown fat in your body, which burns calories to create heat and might just help you shed a few pounds!
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4. Penguin Huddle Cuddle

Move over, cuddle puddles at slumber parties – emperor penguins are the true masters of huddling for warmth! Marching single file, these bundled-up birds brave the chilling Antarctic winters by creating their very own furnace of feathers: these penguin powwows not only withstand temperatures as low as -60°C (-76°F) but also showcase highly coordinated movements that are crucial for the survival of individuals and the entire colony, as observed by scientists using robotic time-lapse cameras. Who knew that getting up close and personal could deliver both snuggles and science insights on climate change?
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Credit Card Ice Scraper

5. Credit Card Ice Scraper

When Jack Frost nips at your nose and your window scraper seems to have given up the ghost, fear not, for your financial plastic may be your icy savior: Did you know that credit cards and other items like iPods or window cleaner can be used to clear icy car windows in the winter?
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6. Iceland's Geothermal Pools

Say "I lava you" to Iceland, where the ground is so hot, even their swimming pools are toasty: Over 70% of Iceland's energy use, including warming their homes and pools, comes from geothermal sources, with more than a quarter of the nation's electricity being produced this way, cementing their status as a geothermal powerhouse and keeping their carbon footprints as frosty as the Arctic air.
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7. Animal Winter Wardrobe Makeover

Well, well, well, if it isn't our furry friends taking a page out of Clark Kent's wardrobe change playbook, adapting faster than you can say "winter wonderland"! Behold the ultimate seasonal makeover: during winter, animals like the snowshoe hare and collared lemming change their entire fur color to blend in with the snow, while others like the Arctic fox and mountain goat keep it frosty by being white year-round – all thanks to hormonal responses triggered by changes in daylight rather than temperature.
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8. Antifreeze Fish

Fish on ice, hold the cocktail: Antarctic fishes boast unique antifreeze proteins that not only let them live it up in subfreezing waters but also show promise for commercial cryopreservation and non-polluting de-icing applications.
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9. Menton's Lemon Festival

When life gives you lemons, make... an entire festival out of it? Now that's a zesty twist: The French Riviera town of Menton hosts a Lemon Festival each winter, celebrating with gargantuan sculptures using over 140 tons of lemons and oranges, as well as a citrus parade, acrobats, music, and dancers. Launched in 1896 and registered as Fête du Citron® in 1934, the event attracts over 200,000 visitors each year for a sour-tastic celebration!
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Ice Skate Melting Trick

10. Ice Skate Melting Trick

Ice skates, much like a slick salesman, have a secret weapon that gives them the ability to smoothly glide through any situation: they can melt hearts, or in this case, ice! Here's the science behind the magic: The pressure exerted by a skater causes a small amount of ice to melt under the blades, creating a thin layer of water that allows the skates to slide effortlessly. And if you've ever wondered why snow squeaks underfoot at temperatures above 14 degrees Fahrenheit, it's because the pressure from your step melts the snow, creating water that makes it flow and emit a soft sound. But below 14 degrees Fahrenheit, there's not enough heat generated for melting, so ice crystals simply rub against each other, producing that signature squeak.
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11. Aomori, the Snowiest City

If Elsa from Frozen had a favorite vacation spot, it'd probably be this frosty city in Japan: Aomori City, nestled in the country's northern tip, holds the title for the snowiest city on Earth with an annual snowfall of a whopping 667 centimeters (262 inches).
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12. Cuffing Season Soup

Love's got a seasonal menu, and wintertime serves up commitment soup: "Cuffing season" is a popular term for when singles cozy up in committed relationships during the frosty fall and winter months, potentially giving their partner the cold shoulder come spring. Google Trends shows the term gaining traction since 2013, although evidence for this phenomenon remains as elusive as a snowflake in July – though loneliness and chilly weather could be the hidden ingredients behind this romantic roux.
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13. Chionophobia Frosty Fear

Brrr-ace yourself for this frosty fright: Chionophobia is the extreme fear and anxiety towards snow and wintry weather, often caused by negative or traumatic experiences, leading people to avoid winter-like conditions or even move to warmer climates, and can be treated with therapies such as cognitive behavioral and exposure therapy.
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14. Colorful Snow Algae

Who spilled the Kool-Aid on the mountains? Nature's just playing a colorful prank in the French Alps: Snow algae, usually invisible, can create stunning hues of deep red, rusty orange, or lemonade pink on snow surfaces due to their UV-protective pigments and molecules.
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Frozen Blood Butterfly

15. Frozen Blood Butterfly

When Mother Nature throws ice-cold sass, the Tanana Arctic butterfly counters with some serious haute couture – frozen blood edition: This trendy Alaskan species rocks the survival game by producing antifreeze-like substances in its bloodstream, adapting fabulously to the state's extreme cold and seasonal variations.
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16. Saturnalia Roman Party

Move over, Crazy Rich Romans: the ancient party animals truly knew how to have a blast during the chilly season with some chaos, gambling, and even boss-bonding! : The week-long festival of Saturnalia celebrated the Winter Solstice in Rome, honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture and time. It involved feasting, socializing, gift-giving, and temporary freedom for slaves, while homes were decorated with evergreens and lamps to ward off the darkness. The festive frenzy ended with the cry of "Io, Saturnalia!" and a return to normal Roman order.
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17. Faber & Co. Snowshoe Legends

In a world where snow and ice reign supreme, one company dares to master the art of walking atop the frozen tundra – meet the Faber & Co., snowshoe-making legends: Since the late 1800s, Faber & Co. has crafted over 5,000 pairs of traditional snowshoes yearly, along with 45,000 modern pairs, overcoming challenges in ash wood and rawhide sourcing, and inspiring the DIY spirit in folks worldwide, thanks to snowshoe-making competitors like Country Ways, thus preserving the 6,000-year-old tradition.
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18. Frost Flowers Bloom

Mother Nature's frosty petal artistry: Frost flowers, with their unique ice crystal formations, bloom in polar regions on young sea ice and thin lake ice during cold, calm conditions, needing a temperature difference of at least 15°C between the ice surface and the air to blossom into their beautifully delicate yet chemically potent structures.
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19. Sly Snowballer Caution

Beware the deceptive wintry arsenal of the sly Snowballer: These frosty projectiles may pack a hidden punch with slivers of ice or rogue pebbles nestled within their snowy folds, transforming an innocent snowball fight into a high-stakes game of dodgeball à la mode. The nippy truth: Properly formed snowballs, free from treacherous additions, are far less likely to inflict injuries akin to those caused by baseballs, keeping the risk of frosty fisticuffs to a minimum.
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20. Wet vs. Dry Snow

Snow kidding me! Winter's white fluff may seem like nature's way of adding a touch of frosting to the landscape, but beware, for not all snow is created equal: Wet, packed snow can weigh almost three times more than its dry, fluffy counterpart, with a cubic foot of the former clocking in at 20 pounds, as opposed to a mere 7 pounds of the latter – a crucial consideration when pondering if your roof is up to the challenge of hosting this frosty party crasher.
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21. Icy Bubble Magic

Ever suffered from a bout of Resting Freeze Face? No, it's not the latest Botox trend: It's the result of marveling at the mesmerizing beauty of frozen bubbles! In a frosty twist of science and art, a special homemade bubble mix with corn syrup and sugar allows kids and adults alike to blow delicate crystallized spheres onto icy surfaces, although perfecting the technique does take a bit of practice and the right conditions – think frigid temperatures and a wind-free day.
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22. Fruit Tree Winter Sleep

Did you ever imagine that fruit trees were as picky as Goldilocks when it comes to temperature preferences? Some want it cold, while others need it cooler, and then there are those who need a serious deep freeze before they'll even consider waking up! Brrr! These fruit trees sure know how to throw a winter slumber party: The chilling temperature requirements for different fruit tree cultivars vary greatly, making it an essential factor in their successful growth, and the fascinating biological process behind winter bud dormancy in woody perennials continues to perplex scientists, requiring further investigation.
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23. Frost Crystal Window Art

Before snowflakes took up Insta-worthy photo shoots on windows: frost crystals once stole the spotlight by forming unique designs on single-pane windows, a precursor to luxury lace curtains in the colder months. These marvelous formations can still make a comeback on modern double-pane windows – if they're lucky enough to have the right moist air conditions and a little surface imperfection to cling to.
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