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Discover the World: Top 11 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Traveling You Won't Want to Miss!

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Embark on a journey through the quirkiest corners of the globe as you explore these little-known, yet utterly fascinating, fun facts about traveling.

1. Netherlands: Land of Bikes

In the land of windmills and tulips, where bicycles may as well grow on trees and even Dutch cows sneer at any lesser wheels: The Netherlands holds the crown for the highest number of bicycles per capita in the world, boasting an average of 1.3 bikes per person among its 17 million population, totaling a staggering 22.5 million bicycles – more than any other nation.
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2. Rent Liechtenstein on Airbnb

In a bid to become the world's most exclusive Airbnb, the tiny nation of Liechtenstein has thrown down the gauntlet and declared, "Checkmate, mere villages!": For a paltry sum of $70,000 per night, you can now rent the entire country, complete with personalized experiences such as wine tasting, tobogganing, and horse-drawn carriage rides, accommodating up to 150 of your closest friends and family.
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3. Abu Dhabi's Leaning Tower

Who needs Pisa and Suurhusen when you can lean like a boss in Abu Dhabi? Hitch a ride on the magical 18-degree tilt-a-whirl that is Capital Gate: This record-breaking skyscraper in Abu Dhabi boasts an 18-degree inclination, making it the furthest leaning man-made building in the world. Its architectural design features a diagrid system to handle wind and seismic forces, ensuring it leans but doesn't topple.
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4. Eyre Highway: Mad Max Road Trip

Ever felt like road-tripping through a dystopian Mad Max backdrop without a hint of greenery for miles? Have we got the place for you: The Eyre Highway stretches 1,664 kilometers across the barren Nullarbor Plain, linking Western Australia and South Australia as the only sealed road between the two—and it's named after Edward John Eyre, the brave (or crazy) explorer who first crossed the desolate expanse in the 1840s.
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Russia's Time Zone Shuffle

5. Russia's Time Zone Shuffle

Feeling jet-lagged about your one-hour daylight savings time adjustment? Spare a thought for Russians: President Dmitry Medvedev has proposed reducing Russia's 11 time zones to just four, a change that could improve economic efficiency but also comes with potential drawbacks such as feelings of separation like those experienced in China.
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6. Trans-Siberian Railway Novel

If Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov boarded a train to pen the great Russian railway novel, this would be their ultimate muse: The Trans-Siberian Railway, spanning 9,289 kilometers and traversing through various routes run by FER, SZhD, V-SibZhD, Z-SibZhD, KrasZhD, SvZhD, and ZabZhD, has been chugging along since its first train ride on March 9, 1891, and officially opened its tracks to the public on June 21, 1904.
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7. Sharks in Venice

In an unexpected twist to the classic movie line, "You're gonna need a bigger gondola" becomes a fitting motto for visitors to Venice, Italy: While not your everyday scene, various shark species like bull sharks, tiger sharks, and hammerhead sharks have been sighted around the deeper waters near the entrance points to the Venetian Lagoon, though they tend to avoid the shallow and dirtier canals.
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8. Japan's Cat Island

Plot twist: cats come to conquer an island and turn it into their own feline paradise! In Aoshima Island, Japan, these furry, whiskered creatures significantly outnumber the human residents as they roam free, claiming abandoned houses, and charming tourists with their cheeky antics: This island is home to over a hundred cats, transforming the quiet fishing village into a mecca for feline enthusiasts looking to witness the adorable fluffy phenomenon.
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9. Ecuador's Misplaced Equator

Whoever said being "close enough" wasn't good enough never visited the Mitad del Mundo monument in Ecuador: off by a mere 240 meters, this monument that claims to mark the exact spot where the Northern and Southern Hemispheres meet is actually located 790 feet north of the true Equator, making your epic Instagram pose with one foot in each hemisphere an adorably misguided, albeit entertaining, moment of geographical folly.
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Ghent: Veggie Capital

10. Ghent: Veggie Capital

Who knew that sprouting salad habits can land you in the heart of Europe? Meet the veggie wonderland of Ghent: an urban gem boasting the highest number of vegetarian restaurants per capita across Belgium and a flourishing vegan community to boot.
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11. Philippines' Missing NYE

Imagine skipping the New Year's Eve party just to catch up on lost time: In 1844, the Philippines moved from sharing the same day as South American colonies to aligning with Asian neighbors like Singapore and China by completely ditching December 31st! This decision by their governor-general dragged the country across the international dateline, eliminating any time-traveling gains for modern-day voyagers.
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