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Discover the Sky-high Secrets: Top 9 Fun Facts About The Shard in London

illustration of the-shard
Dive into a trove of quirky tidbits and fascinating morsels as we explore the secrets, surprises, and little-known facts surrounding the iconic Shard!

1. Stairway to Heaven Elevator

Ever heard of the Shard's "stairway to heaven"? It's not actually a stairway, but an elevator ride fueled by the touch of your Oyster Card: The Shard features two observation deck levels - the 69th floor's indoor gallery boasts interactive digital telescopes with multilingual landmark info, while the partially outdoor 72nd-floor gallery ascends to 800 ft (244 m), offering the highest public view in the building amidst a 360-degree panorama.
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2. Cross-eyed Train Drivers

Talk about a double-pane dilemma: The Shard's shimmering glass facades have been playing tricks on the eyes of south-eastern train drivers, causing a cross-eyed syndrome called "masking" due to sunlight reflecting off the building and making it difficult to see light signals. This phenomenon was extensively studied by Zehndorfer Engineering, revealing a 20-minute daily window when the sun's reflection creates a 1° viewing angle challenge for these bemused train operators.
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3. Romeo the Fox's Skyscraper Adventure

Talk about reaching for the stars: Little did Romeo the fox know he was about to embark on an urban adventure straight out of a J.K. Rowling novel! This cunning furry explorer managed to slip past skyscraper security like a slytherin pro, ascending to dizzying heights in search of fantastic feasts and where to dine on them: Turns out, this real-life fantastic beast was discovered living at the stunning 288m (945ft) Shard building in London Bridge, using the central stairwell like it was his own personal Hogwarts staircase, and nibbling on builders' leftovers for sustenance. All good things come to an end, though, and this intrepid climber was eventually apprehended, whisked off to the Riverside Animal Centre for a magical 'check-up,' and then released back on the familiar streets of Bermondsey, where he remains a charming legend of the most curious urban escapades.
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4. 16th-century Fairy Tale Fortress

Once upon a mast, in a 16th-century fairy tale fortress, stood The Shard: a pint-sized replica of what now graces London's skyline, teetering between a ship's crowning glory and a really bad paper cut. In reality: The Shard, designed by architect Renzo Piano after dodging disapproval for resembling a "shard of glass," boasts a hybrid structure fit for premium offices, succulent eateries, five-star sleeping quarters, and swanky sky-high residences, all while putting up with once-every-500-years gales and adopting post-9/11 fireproof fashion like a (super tall) champ.
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Swimming in the Clouds

5. Swimming in the Clouds

Forget about diving into the deep end of London's social scene – why not make a splash in the literal clouds instead? Next time you're swept off your feet, you might just soar high enough to take a dip with Britain's most elite swim club: Towering on the 52nd floor of the Shard, you'll find the Shangri-La hotel's luxurious 'skypool'. This 34ft-long heated oasis designed by Andre Fu promises swimmers breathtaking views of the Thames, Westminster, and St Paul's Cathedral, all while they paddle through the heavens at 800ft above ground level. And what of nights? Well, the hotel's Gong bar offers mere mortals a tantalizing glimpse of the celestial pool after 8.30pm.
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6. Heavenly Cocktails at Oblix

Up in the clouds, where birds dare not fly, and angels lose their heavenly glow, one finds a divine place for sipping fancy cocktails and munching on delectable bites: Oblix, nestled on the 32nd floor of The Shard, offers unparalleled panoramic vistas of London and a scrumptious, modern dining experience, with live entertainment and dashes of award-winning mixology magic, all accessible via a vast network of terrestrial transport options.
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7. Bird's-eye View of London

If you're tired of all the "I Spy" games London's streets have to offer, why not get a bird's-eye view with a touch of glamour and time-travel, courtesy of a certain pointy skyscraper? Behold the Shard: The viewing gallery, at a lofty 244 meters high, offers a breathtaking 360-degree panorama of the city's iconic landmarks, complete with interactive touchscreens for a zoom-in on history, making both Big Ben and your humble binoculars green with envy.
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8. Wobbly Shard

Ever felt a bit wobbly after a night out in London? The Shard can sympathize: This iconic spiky skyscraper can sway up to 400 millimetres (16 in) without breaking a sweat, all thanks to its innovative post-tensioned concrete floors and tapering shape! In an eco-friendly twist, the building even uses a natural gas-powered Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant to convert fuel into electricity and heat for some hot hospitality.
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9. Eccentric Façade Fashion

If the Shard were a person, it would be the eccentric, quirky cousin with a penchant for mismatched ensembles, always sporting 14 different scarves to a family gathering: this architectural marvel boasts an impressive 14 types of façade! With over 55,700 sqm (600,000 sq ft) of envelope area, the asymmetric eight-sided polygon flaunts slopes in various directions, creating unique fracture areas that house delightful winter gardens and meeting rooms.
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