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Discover Tanzanite: Top 15 Fascinating Facts About This Rare Gemstone

illustration of tanzanite
Dive into the fascinating world of tanzanite, where mesmerizing blues and violets come together to tickle your curiosity and dazzle your imagination!

1. Tanzanite's Dating Profile

If tanzanite had a dating profile, it'd advertise itself as "more than just a pretty face, with mystical healing powers that'll strengthen your immune system and give you the gift of insight" – what's not to swipe right for?: A rare and gorgeous gemstone, tanzanite is believed to support cell regeneration, enhance intuition, ease the mind, and contribute to overall health and wellness, making it the ultimate multi-tasking sparkler.
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2. Diva of the Gemstone World

Tanzanite, the earth's rarest gemstone, is like a badly behaved diva, intent on limiting its appearances and playing hard to get: meanwhile, it slyly pops up in unexpected corners like Kenya and Madagascar, apart from hogging the limelight in Tanzania's Merelani Hills.
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3. Prince of Zamunda & Tanzanite Tale

In a tale as charming as the prince of Zamunda searching for his queen in New York City: Tanzanite, a captivatingly beautiful gemstone, was discovered by chance in Tanzania in 1967 when Maasai herders stumbled upon its enchanting blue crystals while tending their livestock near Merelani Hills. What started as a sheepish encounter, skyrocketed into fame thanks to Tiffany & Co., who championed this initially misidentified stunner that now rivals the most expensive gemstones in the world. Alas, mining control is limited, supplies are dwindling, and potential depletion hovers in the not-so-distant future, making tanzanite's precious allure even more irresistible.
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4. Diamonds' Gemstone Rival

Who says diamonds are a girl's best friend? Tanzanite is quickly climbing the ranks as a precious gemstone heartthrob: With mines in Tanzania predicted to be depleted within the next 30 years, its rarity and value are skyrocketing, making it an increasingly desired treasure among collectors and jewelry lovers alike.
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Tanzanite's Fashionably Late Entry

5. Tanzanite's Fashionably Late Entry

Like a fashionable latecomer strutting into the geology party: Tanzanite was only discovered in 1967 in the Merelani Hills of northern Tanzania, swiftly gained popularity, and became an alternative birthstone for December in 2002 – joining the ranks of turquoise and zircon.
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6. Dorothy's Elusive Tanzanite Treasure

If only Dorothy knew she could've clicked her heels thrice to acquire this rare gem: Tanzanite is found exclusively in a tiny 4km strip near Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, making it a thousand times rarer than diamonds. However, it's predicted that in just 10-12 years, there'll be no more gem-quality tanzanite left, turning it into an even more elusive treasure.
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7. Tanzanite's Four-Leaf Clover Worth

Talk about feeling blue: Tanzanite might just need a four-leaf clover to achieve its worth! The 4 Cs – color, carat, cut, and clarity – all dance an intricate waltz to determine this gemstone's value. But fret not, heat-treated ones – your naturally blue, non-heated siblings are also highly sought after due to their rarity.
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8. Tanzanite's High-End Name Glow-Up

Not to be "blue" about it, but tanzanite's OG name was a bit of a fashion faux pas that would have had fashion moguls rolling in their haute couture graves: Voilà, enter Tiffany & Co.'s Henry Platt, who decided that this violet-blue gemstone would be dubbed "tanzanite" – giving it that runway-ready, high-end gleam it deserved. The serious reveal: Tanzanite was initially called "blue zoisite" after its discovery in Tanzania in 1967, but was given a name revamp by Tiffany & Co.'s chairman, who also helped popularize the exquisite gemstone post-1968 introduction.
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9. Tiffany & Co.'s Name-Dropping Magic

Give it up for Tiffany & Co., the ultimate name-droppers: In 1968, they took the unsung blue-violet zoisite (which, believe it or not, does not rhyme with "suicide") and turned it into a bona fide rock star, rechristening it "tanzanite" for its Tanzanian homeland.
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Tanzanite: The Chameleon Fashionista

10. Tanzanite: The Chameleon Fashionista

If tanzanite could talk, it would be that friend who can't decide on a single outfit: it shows off a dazzling blue, a hint of purple, and even a peek of red, all while feeling delicate and fancy at the same time! Quite the fashionista, if you ask me: Tanzanite boasts a unique characteristic called "pleochroism" that gives it a brilliant range of colors, while its delicate nature requires gentle care to maintain longevity. Its famous blues find their origin in a shade-enhancing heat treatment and, interestingly, the stone was discovered in Tanzania in the 1960s and popularized by Tiffany & Co.
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11. Disco-Dancing Trichroic Tanzanite

If Tanzanite were a chameleon at a disco, it'd be dancing to the beat of its own trichroic tune: This gemstone's unique three-color display depends on the crystal axis, making it a kaleidoscopic marvel that's extra spectacular after a heat treatment that eliminates pesky brown and yellow hues.
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12. Tanzanite's VIP Geo-Party

Knock, knock! Who's there? Tanzanite! Tanzanite who? Tanzanite, the mysterious gemstone that's so exclusive, it should be on the VIP list at Earth's geological party! But seriously, folks: Tanzanite is only found in a minuscule mining area of just four kilometers wide and two kilometers long at Mount Kilimanjaro's base in Northern Tanzania, making it a thousand times rarer than diamonds, and at this rate of mining, we've only got 25 more years before this superstar gem calls it quits.
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13. Tanzanite's Ancient Needle in a Haystack

If you thought finding a needle in a haystack was tough, try searching for purple treasure near Africa's rooftop: Tanzanite, a rare gemstone only found in Merelani at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, was created through a quirk of geological fate 500 million years ago, making it a sparkling piece of ancient history.
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14. Mysterious, Undervalued Gemstone Cousin

If diamonds are a girl's best friend, then tanzanite is the mysterious, undervalued cousin that nobody talks about: despite being one of the rarest gemstones with a supply predicted to run out in the next 25 years, tanzanite's price remains low due to market structure issues and the Tanzanian government's nonchalant approach to industry reform.
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Tanzanite's Ultra-Rare VIP Pass

15. Tanzanite's Ultra-Rare VIP Pass

If tanzanite were a ticket to a rock concert, it'd be the rarest VIP pass you could find, sold only at one obscure store in Merelani, Africa: This precious gemstone, boasting an enchanting violet-blue hue, was formed 500 million years ago under incredibly unique geological conditions with a very limited supply, making it an incredibly sought-after and potentially lucrative investment for rock enthusiasts and collectors alike.
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