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10 Fascinating Fun Facts About Flight Attendants: Secrets of the Skies Unveiled!

illustration of flight-attendants
Dive into the fascinating world of flight attendants as we unveil an array of quirky tidbits and behind-the-scenes secrets you never knew about these aerial superheroes.

1. Sky-High Superheroes

Hold onto your coffee cups and fasten your seatbelts, folks: flight attendants are way more than just sky-high baristas and safety stewards! In fact, they undergo intense annual training on topics like emergency door operations, safety equipment handling, first aid, crowd control, and even aircraft surface contamination procedures to keep everyone aloft and safe while navigating the friendly skies.
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2. Flight Whisperers

Fear not, oh tender traveler of the sky, for flight attendants double as fearless flight whisperers, poised to pull you from the jaws of anxiety with the ease of a seasoned superhero: Equipped with deep breathing tips, strategic seat swaps, and magical ice packs for combating nausea, these sky wizards ensure you sail through turbulence with a calm trust in the iron bird and its trusty crew.
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3. Mid-Air Baby Deliverers

Babies on board: not just a bumper sticker, but a potential job requirement for flight attendants! These sky-bound superheroes are equipped to handle emergency mid-air deliveries: They're trained in first aid and childbirth procedures, and airlines stock their medical kits to support new moms and fresh little frequent fliers. Even though they may not be doctors, flight attendants are well-versed in the delicate ballet of in-flight births, from monitoring contractions to post-delivery care. So, if you're preggo and jet-setting, rest assured you're in good hands up in the clouds.
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4. Globe-Trotting Paychecks

Although flight attendants may seem like high-flying jet setters, dashing off to dine in Paris by night and shopping in New York by day, don't let their global gallivanting fool you: the truth is, flight attendants don't actually earn higher salaries for working international flights, but rather receive increased per diem rates since they are away from their base longer, with the bulk of their pay coming from flight hours worked with passengers, domestic or international.
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Mile-High Justice League

5. Mile-High Justice League

Ready to join the mile-high justice league? Able to jump small luggage racks in a single stride, soar through assorted sky-bound duties with laser-like vision, and wielding the power of multilingualism: flight attendants are the undeniable superhero alliance of the skies. Along with their mortality-defying stunts, they have strict appearance protocol that would make any superhero envious, and they're even trained by the esteemed Travel Academy to ensure they're always ready to save the day with first aid and entertaining skills!
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6. Hydration Heroes

It appears that flight attendants are secretly hydration heroes, armed with their trusty H2O and determined to save passengers from the dreaded jet lag monster: According to David Puzzo and Abbie Unger, avoiding dehydrating drinks like coffee and alcohol, and sipping water throughout the flight, is the ultimate formula to crush jet lag and keep globetrotters fresh as a daisy when they touch down in new lands.
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7. Cupids of the Skies

Back when airline companies aimed to be the cupids of the skies: Flight attendants in the 1960s were required to be young, attractive, single, and slim, with specific height and weight requirements, forbidding them from being married, having children, wearing glasses, or having hair longer than shoulder-length.
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8. Feminist Trailblazers

Who runs the skies? Flight attendants, that's who! These caffeinated heralds of the stratosphere have been taking feminism to new heights since the mid-20th century: They played an instrumental role in the fight for gender equality by forming labor unions like ALSSA, pushing for fair wages, improved working conditions and an end to discriminatory practices, even contributing to the eventual passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Today's AFA, representing over 50,000 flight attendants, has also successfully advocated for maternity leave, and spearheaded policies and training programs aimed at identifying and addressing harassment or assault in the skies.
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9. Kung-Fu in the Clouds

Who needs kung-fu movie stars when you've got flight attendants packing a punch in the skies: The Transportation Security Administration has been giving self-defense training to flight attendants, teaching them techniques like striking, stomping, and subduing attackers, along with de-escalation tactics to handle unruly passengers during the surge in air travel post-pandemic.
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Speedy Evacuation Experts

10. Speedy Evacuation Experts

When it comes to speed dating, flight attendants take the cake: they can empty an aircraft of hundreds of people in under 90 seconds! In airplane safety tests, crew members and volunteers demonstrate successful evacuations using emergency lights and only half the exits available, honing their skills to ensure passengers' swift and safe departures during unforeseen incidents.
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