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Discover the Magic: 14 Unbelievable Fun Facts About Victoria Falls You Need to Know!

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Get ready to take the plunge into the captivating world of Victoria Falls, where natural wonders and exhilarating trivia overflow!

1. Poseidon's Epic Leak

Imagine if Poseidon's plumbing had a seriously epic leak: Victoria Falls is so powerful that during the rainy season, over 132 million gallons of water from the Zambezi River plummet over the edge every minute, making it not only the world's tallest waterfall at 350 feet, but also one of the largest in terms of volume while spanning over a mile wide and straddling two countries.
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2. Rainforest Extreme Makeover

In nature's take on an extreme home makeover, Victoria Falls puts out a misty rain that nourishes a one-of-a-kind rainforest hidden in its midst, creating a botanical buffet of ferns, palms, and mahogany trees that simply don't grow anywhere else in the region: The Victoria Falls National Park rainforest lets you witness the cascading giant's tender side, providing an unparalleled experience of plant diversity and breathtaking views of the falls that most tourists miss out on.
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3. Rainbow Factory

If Victoria Falls had a Tinder profile, it would definitely brag about its ability to create unforgettable rainbows from a distance: The mesmerizing mist and spray from this natural marvel are not only visible from up to 50 km away, but they also give birth to rainbows so dazzling that they'll put your average pot-of-gold chasers to shame.
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4. Devil's Pool Party

Cannonball into the Devil's Pool, and let Lucifer himself host your pool party: Victoria Falls is home to the thrilling, natural infinity pool aptly named Devil's Pool, which teeters on the brink of the mile-wide waterfall's edge. Accessible only via guided boat tours from June to December when the Zambezi River is low enough, visitors can dunk themselves into this heart-stopping swimming hole and marvel at the close-up views of the world's largest sheet of falling water, provided they don't have an accidental run-in with Beelzebub!
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Thor's Shower Time

5. Thor's Shower Time

If Thor had a shower, Victoria Falls would be it: This roaring behemoth of a waterfall, known as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, stands 108 meters tall and locals call it Mosi-oa-Tunya, meaning "smoke that thunders" - pretty fitting, considering during its peak flood season, the water spray creates an ever-present cloud so dense, it looks like an ethereal mist.
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6. Natural Hydra-Cannon

Who needs a sprinkler system when you've got Mother Nature's own hydra-cannon: Victoria Falls! The spray is so mighty that it reaches 30 kilometers away, forming a natural mist shower nourishing the surrounding rainforest and maintaining unique microclimates for rare species to thrive.
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7. The Thunderous Smoke

Rising like a phoenix from the ashes, Victoria Falls puts out its own foggy fire with a name that translates to "The Smoke That Thunders", leaving clouds of mist and the heavy scent of irony in the air: In the Lozi language, Mosi-oa-Tunya refers to its thunderous smoke, while Shungu Namutitima in Tonga means "Boiling Water" - both indigenous titles are officially recognized by UNESCO, along with the common colonial name, Victoria Falls. All worldly glory to Scottish explorer David Livingstone who, contrary to popular belief, did not coin the name but gave us westerners something to reminisce about.
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8. Chasing Moonbows

Forget chasing rainbows—try moonbows instead: Victoria Falls, in all its lunar lunacy, plays host to this celestial phenomenon where the moody moonlight is refracted through watery airborne particles, creating a rare and ethereal lunar rainbow visible only on specific full-moon nights with clear skies. Although these ghostly moonbows can appear a bit washed-out or white to our naked eyes, any talented photographer with a cunning camera and a lengthy exposure can capture their mystical magic.
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9. Kariba Dam: Size Matters

Whoever said size doesn't matter clearly hasn't met the Kariba Dam: a gargantuan water-parking monster that generates a whopping 1,626 megawatts of electricity for Zambia and Zimbabwe, making it one of Africa's largest hydroelectric power stations.
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Bridge of Thrills

10. Bridge of Thrills

For those who've always wondered what it's like to take a literal "leap of faith" while channeling their inner Indiana Jones, the Victoria Falls Bridge offers the ultimate thrilling escapade: A breathtaking 111-meter bungee jump situated at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, presenting adventurers with awe-inspiring views of the Zambezi River and Batoka Gorge, as well as allowing daredevils to attempt backflips, flips, and inward tucks. Beyond bungee jumping, the bridge proudly caters to assorted adrenaline junkies with offerings such as bridge slides and swings, provided they are 14 years or older and meet specific weight criteria.
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11. Elephant Corridor Controversy

It's a trunk show like no other with a shocking twist: At Victoria Falls, a five-star hotel built on an elephant corridor has led to an increase in elephant fatalities due to high water and restricted movement caused by the establishment's electrified fence, sparking a contentious debate between wildlife conservation and tourism development.
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12. Livingstone's GPS Mishap

Well, slap your explorer's hat on and hold on to your precious porcelain: turns out David Livingstone had a major GPS malfunction when he "discovered" Victoria Falls in 1855! The serious reveal: Stone Age inhabitants had been chilling at the falls for over 3 million years, and it was the Makololo tribe who gave Livingstone a tour of the waterfall he later named after Queen Victoria.
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13. Love Nests and Tweeters

Birds of a feather flock together, but at Victoria Falls, they're there to set up love nests and make future tweeters: Not only is this natural wonder the largest curtain of falling water in the world, but it's also an Important Bird Area (IBA) that serves as the breeding ground for four endangered and migratory bird species, such as the Taita Falcon and Black Eagle, amidst a unique ecosystem characterized by ancient lava flow and historical stone artefacts.
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14. Beauty Contest of the Falls

When choosing which side of Victoria Falls to visit, imagine it as a lopsided beauty contest between Miss Zimbabwe and Miss Zambia: Miss Zimbabwe has the full package, while poor Miss Zambia sometimes dries up completely: The Zimbabwean side offers a far more panoramic and consistent view of the waterfall, whereas the Zambian side can sometimes disappoint during the drier months before the rainy season.
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