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Discover Denali: 13 Amazing Fun Facts About America's Colossal National Park

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Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure as we uncover intriguing fun facts about the majestic Denali National Park!

1. Noah's New Ark

Step aside Noah, there's a new ark in town and it's called Denali National Park: housing a thriving collective of 37 species of mammals such as Dall sheep, caribou, grizzly bears, moose, and wolves, all roaming freely within its stunning six million acre sanctuary.
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2. Size Matters

Whoever said size doesn't matter clearly never visited Denali National Park: home to North America's loftiest peak, it stretches over a staggering 6 million acres and boasts a star-studded cast of wildlife, including grizzly bears, caribou, and wolves.
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3. Nature's Open House

Think of Denali National Park as nature's ultimate open house: sprawled across six million acres of land, this "mansion" is divided into three spectacular sections, where the last part is like a safari hotel lobby for lucky visitors to spot Alaska's wildest party animals. Peek-a-boo, Dall sheep: The park road weaves through high mountain passes and vast river valleys in the final section, allowing visitors access to unrivaled wildlife spotting opportunities by bus tours or bike rentals, as private cars are kindly asked to park it after mile 15.
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4. Denalinator Sled Dogs

What do you call a dog that mushes through Denali National Park like it owns the place? A Denalinator, of course! These fur-coated heroes have been paw-sitively essential for over a century: The sled dogs contribute to protecting and preserving the park's 2 million acres of wilderness, assisting rangers in winter duties and setting up mushing routes for adventurers to roam the frosty landscape.
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Frost Giant's Playground

5. Frost Giant's Playground

Brace yourselves for a chilling reception fit for Frost Giants of Norse mythology: Denali National Park is home to some of Earth's coldest and most turbulent weather, with winds clocking in at over 150 miles per hour and bone-rattling temperatures dipping to a frigid -93ËšF, earning its status as a formidable challenge for daring climbers and adventurers.
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6. Heavy Metal Sheep

In Denali National Park, even the sheep can't resist rocking the "heavy metal" look, brandishing enormous horns that would make any headbanger envious: Enter the Dall Sheep, majestic creatures boasting magnificent curved horns weighing up to 30 pounds, adept at navigating the park's harsh terrain, with the National Park Service diligently safeguarding their populations due to their limited range and vulnerability to environmental shifts.
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7. Sky's Green Day

Next time you're feeling blue, just remember: even the sky can have a green day! At Denali National Park, you may be dazzled by the infamous green aurora on a moderately active night, as this enchanting destination offers pristine views due to its northern latitude and minimal light pollution. Just ensure your eyes are camera-ready by avoiding bright lights for at least 30 minutes, since these dancing sky colors might prove too elusive for your peepers, but never too shy for a photograph's long exposure.
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8. Sunshine Galore

This vacation hotspot is lit... like, really lit: Denali National Park basks in up to 20 hours of glorious sunshine during June, ensuring that wildlife enthusiasts have ample daylight for spotting creatures at their most vivacious.
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9. Feathery Fiesta

Feathered friends and fleeting fanatics, be prepared to flock together: Denali National Park hosts a feathery fiesta with over 160 bird species, seasonally swooping in and out for migratory parties, starring Canada Jays and Golden Eagles as year-round residents, and occasional winter cameos by Gyrfalcons and Northern Goshawks. This avian abundance is so esteemed, even the park's Critical Connections program studies their year-round needs in national park habitats!
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A-twitter Wonderland

10. A-twitter Wonderland

Looking to wing it with some new aviary pals? Bird nerds, flock to Alaska's wonderland, get ready for some tweet-worthy snapshots: Denali National Park hosts over 160 species of birds, including eagles, owls, sandpipers, hummingbirds, Arctic terns, and grouse, making it a feathered haven for birdwatchers to revel in nature's a-twitter.
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11. Feathered Empire

Birds of a feather flock together, and in Denali National Park, they've built a feathery empire of diverse characters, from regal golden eagles to the mysterious gray jays and the undercover masters of disguise – the ptarmigan: There are over 160 species of bird residents in Denali, making it a must-visit destination for passionate bird enthusiasts and casual admirers alike – but be sure to play your cards right and time your visit smartly to bear witness to this feathered fiesta in all its glory.
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12. Real-life Lion King

Who knew Denali National Park was like a real-life "Lion King" minus the singing warthogs and philosophical meerkats: It houses a staggering 160 species of birds and 38 species of mammals, including moose, caribou, wolves, and lynx to really give Simba and friends a run for their money.
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13. Mountainous Tailor

What do you get when Mount Everest goes to the tailor? An incredibly well-stitched wall of wonder: Denali National Park boasts the Wickersham Wall, a magnificent mountain face that climbs a staggering 14,000 feet from the Peters Glacier up to the North Peak.
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