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Discover the Top 3 Unexpected Fun Facts About Zoos You Never Knew!

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Dive into the wild world of zoos and discover the amusing, quirky, and surprising tidbits hidden behind enclosures and habitats!

1. Tiny Antelope Superstars

Move over, Bambi, there's a new tiny ungulate in town that's stealing hearts and gaining fans: Brookfield Zoo is one of only 15 accredited zoos in North America housing the rare Kirk's dik-dik antelope. This petite, 12 to 14-pound adult wonder is being bottle-fed four to five times a day by dedicated animal staff, as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Kirk's dik-dik Species Survival Plan to save the threatened species.
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2. Greenest Zoo Ever

At the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, they really know how to go "green" – and we're not just talking about the emerald tree boa! This botanical wonderland boasts an astonishing number of leafy tenants to keep its animal residents company: Housing almost two million plants from around the world, the Zoo maintains eight accredited plant collections and its Safari Park sibling even features an on-site water reclamation and recycling facility. And it's not just for show – they're actively involved in plant conservation with the Native Plant Seed Bank and partnerships with other botanical gardens to ensure endangered plant species survive and thrive.
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3. Wild Panda Dating Game

When it comes to the dating game, wild pandas put their captive counterparts to shame; probably swiping right more often: In reality, natural breeding among wild pandas has a higher success rate than artificial insemination in captive breeding programs, shedding light on the challenges and cruelty faced in the world of forced panda reproduction.
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