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Top 10 Amazing Fun Facts About the London Eye: Discover the Secrets of Europe's Tallest Ferris Wheel

illustration of the-london-eye
Get ready to spin into a world of fascinating secrets with our collection of awe-inspiring fun facts about the London Eye!

1. Eye-catching Performances

Talk about an eye-catching performance: the London Eye has dazzled its way onto the silver screen and beyond, starring in movies like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and the James Bond flick Skyfall, not to mention gracing music videos, television shows, and video games with its iconic presence.
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2. From Temporary to Permanent

Well, isn't the London Eye quite the Ferris wheel of fortune! From a temporary gamble to a permanent jackpot: this beloved British attraction was initially intended to be a five-year fling but, due to overwhelming popularity, it was granted lifelong residency by Lambeth Council in July 2002.
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3. Wheel of Awe-Inspiring Views

Not the wheel of fortune, but maybe even better: The London Eye, a colossal 135-meter-tall spinning delight, offers awe-inspiring skyline views while granting each of its 32 capsules the power to hold 25 wide-eyed explorers during a magical 30-minute journey - all from the comfort of the South Bank of the River Thames, and attracting over 3.75 million visitors annually since March 2000!
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4. Royal Sightseeing Experience

Feeling on top of the world while spotting the Queen's abode? Well, you're not hallucinating atop this oversized bicycle wheel: The London Eye offers panoramic views of landmarks such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament, and on a clear day, one can see up to 40 kilometers away - perfect for snapping some royally good photos!
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Famous Londoners in Capsules

5. Famous Londoners in Capsules

Ever feel like you're stuck in a capsule with Shakespeare, Princess Di, and Churchill, and thought, "this must be a Ferris wheel fever dream"? Well, buckle up and take a spin: The London Eye features 32 capsules, each named after a famous Londoner and carrying 25 passengers, adding a little history and culture to your gravity-defying adventure!
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6. Party Guest that Stayed Forever

Like a determined party guest clinging on long after the music stops, the London Eye just couldn't take the hint to leave: initially built as a temporary attraction with a five-year lease, its immense success prompted an application for permanent residency in 2001, leading to the Eye becoming the UK's most popular paid tourist hotspot with over three million annual visitors.
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7. London Eye's Lofty Siblings

Once upon a time, the London Eye had its "head in the clouds" as the planet's loftiest Ferris Wheel, but eventually welcomed taller siblings to join its celestial party: Hailing from the year 2000 as a staggering 135-metre (443 ft) behemoth, the Eye has since tipped its cap to the soaring heights of Las Vegas' High Roller and Ain Dubai's jaw-dropping 250 metres (820 ft). Nonetheless, London's iconic wheel keeps spinning its enchanting charm, as over three million visitors annually still flock to soak in the breathtaking cityscape views.
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8. Love is in the Air

Love is truly in the air on the London Eye, where couples have soared to new heights of romance and popped the question while sipping on sky-high spirits: Since 2000, 5,000 proposals, 512 matrimonial unions, and 22 civil partnerships have been cemented on the iconic Ferris wheel, with visitors celebrating their love by clinking 1.5 million glasses of Champagne along the way.
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9. More than a Ferris Wheel

If you thought the London Eye was just another Ferris wheel, prepare to be spun out: The London Eye stands tall as Europe's highest cantilevered observation wheel at 135 meters, with a wheel of fortune-like diameter of 120 meters! Featuring 32 capsules representing all London Boroughs (minus the unlucky number 13), it lifts up to 25 people per capsule and has rolled its way into the hearts of over 3 million visitors annually, becoming the UK's most cherished paid attraction.
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Lucky Number 13 Skipped!

10. Lucky Number 13 Skipped!

Thirteen may be unlucky for some, but not for the London Eye: they skipped capsule 13 altogether! With 32 capsules, all down to earth except number 13 (for fear of scaring off superstitious riders), the London Eye even allows passengers to hop on and off the rotating capsules without stopping – now that's wheel-y convenient: Boasting 32 capsules, each able to carry up to 25 people, the air-conditioned London Eye moves at a steady pace, stopping only to let the elderly or disabled riders embark and disembark safely. Fun fact? In 2009, each capsule cruised down the river for a £12.5 million upgrade, just to keep things rolling smoothly!
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