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Discover the Top 5 Amazing Fun Facts About the Sea of Galilee: Uncover Hidden Secrets and Wonders!

illustration of the-sea-of-galilee
Dive into the deep blue world of the Sea of Galilee and discover a treasure trove of fun facts that are sure to make waves in your mind!

1. Peter's Fish Party

Holy mackerel, it's Peter's party in the deep: The Sea of Galilee boasts over 18 species of fish, including the famed St. Peter's fish, thought to be the same scaly saint caught by Peter himself in biblical times. Once renowned for a fishing industry so abundant you might have thought the fish were swimming on loaves and water, this lake remains a popular hotspot for modern anglers and a vital resource for agricultural and irrigation endeavors nearby.
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2. Holy Tilapia

Who said miracles only happen on water? In the Sea of Galilee, they occur below the surface too: Home to the divinely delicious tilapia, also known as "St. Peter's fish," this ancient species thrives in the lake's saline waters and has been gracing the plates of the faithful for centuries, offering a heavenly experience for both their taste buds and the local fishing industry.
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3. Imposter Lake

Don't be fooled by its name, ye olde sea dog: The Sea of Galilee is actually an imposter dressed up as a freshwater lake called "Lake Tiberias" that likes to swim in the lowest of lows: With its levels between 215 metres (705 ft) and 209 metres (686 ft) below sea level, this phony sea holds the title of the lowest freshwater lake on Earth and the second-lowest lake ever, after only the Dead Sea! Fear not, landlubbers: Despite its duplicity, this watery imposter still keeps a treasure trove of fishies hidden within its depths, including the famous St. Peter's fish, a slippery snack beloved by locals and wayward travelers alike.
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4. Moses-Approved Rescue

It's no biblical parting, but Moses would be proud: The Sea of Galilee, Israel's largest freshwater lake, is suffering from a shrinking shoreline due to drought and over-pumping, with water levels plummeting six meters since 2004. To combat this local apocalypse, Israel plans to invest over $600 million in importing desalinated Mediterranean seawater, securing the lake's future along with some emergency H2O for the rest of the holy land.
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Natural Holy Spa

5. Natural Holy Spa

If you're looking to "sea" some miracles or just have a splashing good time, look no further than Israel's natural spa: The Sea of Galilee, also known as Lake Kinneret, is not only the country's largest freshwater lake and a popular pilgrimage site, but it's also home to rejuvenating thermo-mineral springs. These healing waters, alongside the area's rich minerals and native flora, contribute to a variety of spas and cosmetic products designed to help cure your ailments or turn back the hands of time!
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