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Discover the Top 6 Amazing Fun Facts About the Northern Hemisphere You Never Knew!

illustration of the-northern-hemisphere
Embark on a delightful journey as we uncover a treasure trove of fascinating tidbits about the Northern Hemisphere that'll leave you amazed and yearning for more!

1. 90% Human Party Zone

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of humans at your local grocery store, think again: Because the Northern Hemisphere is where the party's at, with approximately 90% of the Earth's human population – that's a whopping 6.57 billion people – living north of the equator, across Asia, Europe, North America, and parts of Africa and South America.
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2. Cheese vs. Milk Powder Showdown

In a world where cows don't always say "cheese" for pictures, but often just "moo," their milk has a different destiny depending on where they reside: In the northern hemisphere, including Europe, USA, and Canada, the dairy industry mainly focuses on creating cheese, while the southern hemisphere, including New Zealand, Australia, and South America, is more inclined to produce milk powder – a case of regional lactose catering influenced by trade, demand, and efficient milk-terpiece production systems.
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3. Land and Water Mogul

Hold on to your hemispheres, landlubbers: the Northern Hemisphere is a real estate mogul with 40% of its surface being land, compared to the Southern Hemisphere's measly 20%! This imbalance, however, isn't stopping the Northern Hemisphere from taking a dive, covering about 60% of its surface with water – which might be the reason it's warming faster than its southern counterpart, as land masses heat up quicker than H2O hotheads.
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4. Trendsetter Paradise

Who would've thought that the northern hemisphere would be such a trendy place – quite literally: It's got some major style, housing fabulous fashion powerhouses of New York, London, Paris, and Milan where designers stitch together the fabric of fabulousness, and folks strut their stuff in the most voguish threads. But wait, there's more: This fashion-forward half of the Earth is also a diverse treasure trove of natural wonders and cultural richness, boasting grand mountain ranges (hello, Rockies and Himalayas!), rainforests in Southeast Asia, historical and cultural sites, and a smorgasbord of traditional cuisines that will excite taste buds all across the board.
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Winter Olympics Playground

5. Winter Olympics Playground

The Northern Hemisphere really knows how to "baketh" the cake and "eateth" it too, when it comes to Olympic shenanigans frosted with a snowy powdery icing: All Winter Olympics have been held in the Northern Hemisphere, thanks to its higher latitudes receiving more snow and lesser temperamental weather influenced by oceans, while the Southern Hemisphere basks in sunny confusion during February.
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6. Mighty Mountain Tea Time

Next time you spill the tea, make sure you give it the royal treatment: Bhutan, a petite kingdom nestled in the northern hemisphere, graces the world's top 10 largest tea-producing countries with over 54,000 hectares of tea fields and an annual yield of about 393,000 tonnes, sourced straight from their majestic mountains!
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