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Explore the Unknown: Top 8 Fun Facts About the Great Victoria Desert You Never Knew

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Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey as we uncover quirky and mind-blowing tidbits about the enigmatic Great Victoria Desert.

1. Tree Party in the Desert

If trees were throwing a party in the Great Victoria Desert, the marble gum eucalyptus gongylocarpa would be the life of the soiree with its stunning attire of beautiful bark: This fascinating tree species is among the notable flora that calls this remarkable desert home, alongside other esteemed guests such as acacia, casuarina, and eucalyptus communities.
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2. Aussie Zootopia

Imagine a real-life Aussie version of Disney's Zootopia, but there's no water, and Simba is actually a skink: The Great Victoria Desert is bursting with diverse wildlife like the vulnerable great desert skink, the Central Ranges taipan, and the charmingly endangered sandhill dunnart, as well as peculiar birds like the chestnut-breasted whiteface and the malleefowl, all making the most of their arid home sweet home!
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3. Desert Dating Scene

It's a veritable desert dating scene out there, with Mr. Greater Bilby cozying up to Ms. Crest-tailed Mulgara, while Princess Parrot plays hard-to-get with dashing Grey Falcon – all set against the jazzy backdrop of the Great Victoria Desert ecosystem: However, these eclectic mix of flora and fauna romantics comprising nine threatened plant species and 24 threatened or vulnerable animal species face uninvited party crashers like red foxes, feral cats, and pesky buffel grass, which threaten their idyllic love story in Australia's arid heartland.
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4. Southern Marsupial Mole Mania

Move over, digging dwarves and subterranean superheroes: the Southern Marsupial Mole is here to steal the burrowing spotlight! Known for their silky fur, unique shovel-like forepaws, and eyes that are more fashion accessory than functional organs, these underground critters call the Great Victoria Desert home. The serious reveal: These endangered animals live an intriguing life beneath the sand, "swimming" through it as they search for insects and small reptiles to devour, all while scientists work tirelessly to protect and study these fascinating, dance-party-averse creatures.
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Underground Party Mole

5. Underground Party Mole

Did you hear about the party animal of the Great Victoria Desert who's really down to earth? Well, they're quite the mole: The Southern marsupial mole spends most of its life burrowing underground, coming up for air only to snack on the finest insect appetizers.
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6. Reptile's Got Talent

In the land of slithering entertainers, the Great Victoria Desert holds the title of "Reptile's Got Talent": This remarkable desert houses an impressive roster of 95 different reptile species, 18 of which have noteworthy conservation importance. Prepare your applause for your favorite geckos, snakes, skinks, and goannas!
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7. Flower Power Festival

Picture this: the Sahara meets Woodstock in a blaze of color and herbal ecstasy! In the land down under, the Great Victoria Desert hosts nature's very own flower power festival: Persistent in spite of the irregular rainfall, the desert's flora showcases an incredible display of technicolor blooms, from the fiery Sturt's Desert Pea to the dainty Pink Everlasting, proving once and for all that life finds a way, even in the harshest of arid conditions.
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8. Froggy Refreshments & Grub Snacks

Feeling froggy in the desert? Just take a sip from a water-holding frog or munch on some witchety grubs: The Great Victoria Desert boasts unique creatures like these, which serve as vital food sources for Aboriginal communities, whose survival strategies and cultural practices have thrived by embracing the desert's seasonal rhythms.
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