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Discover the Hidden Gems: Top 11 Fun and Fascinating Facts About the Congo River

illustration of the-congo-river
Get ready to be swept away by a wave of intriguing trivia as we dive into the depths of the Congo River's most fascinating tidbits!

1. Life of the Party Discharge

If the Congo River were a party guest, it would be the life of the party, making everyone else's drinks look tiny in comparison: With a discharge volume ranging from 23,000 to 75,000 cubic meters per second and an average of 41,000 cubic meters per second, the Congo River is the world's third largest river in terms of discharge volume, outshined only by the indomitable duo, Amazon and Ganges rivers.
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2. Electrifying Species Party

If the Congo River Basin were a high school, it'd be homecoming queen, as it's downright electric with party animals: The river system boasts over 700 species of fish, including the electric eel with its shocking 600-volt jolts, and is a luxurious pad for the forest elephants, bonobos, and gorillas who like to monkey around.
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3. Amazon's Wild Side Bangs

If the Amazon rainforest is Mother Nature's impressive mane of lush green hair, then the Congo River's rainforest is undoubtedly her fantastically wild and wonderful side bangs: This colossal natural feature is home to the world's second-largest rainforest, sprawling across a staggering 4,014,500 square kilometers and spanning ten countries, making it an impossibly biodiverse and vital hotspot that covers a whopping 13% of Africa's landmass.
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4. Depth's Breath Inga Falls

The Congo River seems to be suffering from a massive case of Amazon envy, and it's easy to see why: it's the second-largest river in terms of flow rate, just a "depth's breath" away from taking the top spot! Hiding behind its ambitious aspirations, the Inga Falls—stretching a whopping 2.4 kilometers wide—is a humble, yet powerful hydroelectric hero, contributing around 30% of the river's flow to nearby power plants.
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Sieve the Day Fishing

5. Sieve the Day Fishing

Who needs modern fishing gear when you've got ingenious ancient architecture and the force of the river up your sleeve? These Wagenya fishermen really know how to sieve the day: They rely on a generations-old technique of using wooden tripods and large fish traps strung across the Congo River's rapids, ensnaring only the finest and largest of fish for their livelihood and feasting pleasure.
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6. Bathtub Displacement Envy

If you thought your bathtub drained slowly, the Congo River would give you water displacement envy: Discharging a whopping 1,500,000 cubic feet of water per second, it ranks as the world's second most voluminous river.
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7. Aquaman's Deep Party Spot

If Aquaman were to host a party at his underwater crib, he'd definitely pick the Congo River as the ideal spot: The lower Congo River holds the title for the planet's deepest river, plunging over 650 feet (200 meters) below the surface, as revealed by the U.S. Geological Survey. The river's strong currents and hidden "waterfalls" create natural barricades that help hundreds of fish species evolve in isolation, making it a real-life Nemo's paradise.
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8. Thor's Hydroelectric Hammer

Imagine if Thor, the god of thunder, swapped his mighty hammer for a hydroelectric dam: what immense power! The Inga Falls on the Congo River, in fact, has the potential to deliver a current of Zeus-like proportions, generating a jaw-dropping 39.6 gigawatts of mechanical energy – no lightning bolts required: To give you a perspective on this Herculean feat, the Inga Dams currently produce a combined 1,775 MW of electricity, and that's before the construction of their impressive third sibling, Inga III. While they're not quite ready to outshine China's Three Gorges Dam, their electric ambitions are anything but watered down.
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9. Bonobo-nza Tree Huggers

Congo's got a bonobo-nza of king-sized tree huggers: Its basin is home to nearly 400 mammal species and over 1,000 bird species, including unique great apes like chimpanzees, bonobos, and lowland and mountain gorillas, that play a vital role in the ecosystem by spreading seeds through their dung and controlling plant populations.
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Congo's Duct Tape Taxi

10. Congo's Duct Tape Taxi

If the Congo River were a taxi service, it'd be held together with duct tape, a prayer, and a cheeky bumper sticker: It boasts Africa's largest network of navigable rivers and ferries more passengers and cargo than any other country on the continent. Alas, due to chronic economic mismanagement, internal conflict, and pitiful infrastructure maintenance, ground transportation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a rare sight outside of bustling urban jungles.
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11. Diverse Congo Dating Fish Pool

If you've ever thought the dating pool seemed a bit lacking in diversity, try taking a dip in the Congo River – just watch out for the tigerfish: Home to more than 700 fish species, including the unique African tigerfish and Congo tetra, the Congo River boasts an aquatic population that puts even the most vibrant of social scenes to shame.
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