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Discover the Canadian Shield: Top 12 Fun Facts You Never Knew About This Vast Geological Marvel

illustration of the-canadian-shield
Dive into the fascinating world of the Canadian Shield, where geological wonders and intriguing tidbits await your discovery!

1. Rockin' Elders

If rocks could talk, the Canadian Shield would be telling some seriously ancient stories and probably reminiscing about its time as a geological celebrity, hanging out with the continents before they were cool: The Canadian Shield houses some of the oldest rocks on Earth, dating back around 4.28 billion years, covering a massive portion of Eastern and Northwestern Canada. These mega old rocks were shaped by plate tectonics and then treated to a little glacial makeover, providing the perfect grounds for abundant mineral resources such as gold, silver, copper, uranium, iron, and diamonds.
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2. Vintage Stone Celebrities

If ancient rocks were exclusive members of a club, the Canadian Shield would be the VIP lounge boasting the cream of the crust: Home to 4.28 billion-year-old rocks discovered in 2008 on the northern shore of Hudson Bay, these stone-cold celebrities formed a mere 300 million years after Earth itself, making them some of the most vintage geological partygoers on the planet.
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3. Superman's Geological Nemesis

It's no wonder Superman's prison was called the "Phantom Zone" since he couldn't have held them in his Canadian Shield backyard: that's because it's home to rocks older than a mammoth's granddaddy, dating back over 4 billion years, alongside a treasure trove of resources like gold, silver, and copper, nestled away among the lair of real-life superheroes – aka polar bears!
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4. Geological Rock Star

If only the Canadian Shield could shield us from bad puns, eh? But alas, it's busy being a geological rock star: This massive region is loaded with minerals like copper, zinc, nickel, and iron, making it an economic powerhouse for mining and mineral extraction in the Great White North.
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Earth's Senior Citizen

5. Earth's Senior Citizen

Ever contemplated the Earth's ultimate senior citizen? The Canadian Shield might just be your geological grandpa: Boasting an age over a billion years, it's home to some of the world's oldest rocks, offering a fascinating glimpse into our planet's past, while barely quaking a muscle—it's a stable region with unusually mild, infrequent earthquakes compared to North America's more rattled coasts.
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6. Billionaire's Mineral Buffet

Fancier than a billionaire's cufflinks and more valuable than Plato's secret gold stash: the Canadian Shield boasts some of the world's richest mineral deposits, including nickel, gold, silver, and copper, thanks to its geological history stretching back 2.5 to 4.2 billion years.
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7. Canada's Waterworld

Oh, Canada, with your lakes galore, your landscapes could give Kevin Costner's "Waterworld" a run for its money: The Canadian Shield, a geologic marvel spanning over half of the country, boasts more than 12,000 lakes in Ontario and Quebec alone, stretching in unique shapes due to the rock resistance caused by faults and layers beneath. But beware, swimming enthusiasts! These waters are highly acidic with low nutrient levels, thanks to the region's cool temperatures and coniferous forests, resulting in not-so-swimmer-friendly conditions.
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8. Ultimate Throwback Rocks

Step aside, senior citizens: the Canadian Shield is here to show you what "throwback" really means! Boasting the Acasta granitic gneisses, these rocks are not just old—they're ancient, dating back to at least 3.8 billion (possibly up to 3.96 billion) years ago, with a relict zircon grain that's a whopping 4.2 billion years old. Talk about a glimpse into Earth's #TBT!
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9. Mineral Party Guest List

If the Canadian Shield were to throw a party, it'd be the "rock" star of the mineral world, boasting a guest list glittering with gold, silver, and distinct diamond personalities: This geological superstar is loaded with some of the richest deposits of mineral ores like nickel, gold, silver, and copper, supporting mining towns such as Sudbury and Flin Flon. Even diamond aficionados are dazzled by the Ekati and Diavik mines, consistently sourcing magnificent kimberlite diamonds.
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Ice Bucket Challenge Champion

10. Ice Bucket Challenge Champion

In the great ice bucket challenge of mother nature's wild parties, the Canadian Shield got doused with the largest glacier of them all: Thousands of years ago, a massive glacier swept across the region, carving out holes in the landscape which later filled with water and created the multitude of crystal-clear lakes we see today, making it a natural hotspot for fish, otters, beavers, bears, and granite-bottomed canoeists.
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11. Canada's Purple Royalty

Who knew that Canada was sitting on a treasure trove of purple bling fit for royalty? Move over, Queen Elizabeth, the Canadian Shield has its own crown jewel: Amethyst is the official provincial mineral of Ontario, found specifically in Thunder Bay within veins and vugs between Archean and Proterozoic rocks. This stunning purple quartz gets its majestic hue from iron inclusions and often resides among fellow mineral nobility like pyrite, galena, and calcite.
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12. Mother Earth's First Swipes

Before Tinder matched geological hotties, Mother Earth swiped right on ancient rocks in Canada's very own Canadian Shield: Its claim to fame is possessing the oldest rocks on Earth, with one specimen discovered on Hudson Bay's northern shoreline dating back 4.28 billion years, a mere 300 million years after Earth's formation.
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