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11 Amazing Fun Facts About Old Faithful: Discover the Secrets of this Iconic Geyser!

illustration of old-faithful
Get ready to spout off some geyser-ly knowledge with these fascinating tidbits about the ever-eruptive Old Faithful!

1. Unpredictable Cat-like Geyser

As unpredictable as a cat planning world domination: Old Faithful's eruptions can last up to 5 minutes and occur every 35 to 120 minutes, with an average interval of 92 minutes—though these intervals have increased over time, likely due to changes in its underground channels or human development affecting groundwater.
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2. Secret Music Career

Did you hear about Old Faithful's secret music career? This geyser has mastered the art of the "drop" in its performances, never disclosing its rhythm or timing to the public: In truth, Old Faithful's eruptions occur every 35 to 120 minutes, with a showtime of 1 1/2 to 5 minutes and a dramatic crescendo of 90 to 184 feet. Park Rangers monitor and predict these outbursts, making it easy for visitors to catch the explosive concerts at Yellowstone National Park.
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3. Punctual Water Cannon

Behold, the punctual water cannon of nature: Old Faithful, with over a million eruptions under its steamy belt since Yellowstone became a national park in 1872, shoots H2O up to 140 feet high as many as 20 times a day, each lasting 1.5 to 5 minutes, with a 90% prediction confidence rate for eager spectators.
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4. Sly Water Sommelier Secret

Like a secretive water sommelier hiding the finest underground reserve, Old Faithful has been keeping a sly secret beneath its gushing surface: The geyser's main water source isn't directly beneath it, but comes from a conduit offset 65 feet southwest of the vent, with seismology studies providing new insights into the eruption dynamics and recharge process.
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Nature's Punctual Boss

5. Nature's Punctual Boss

Old Faithful, Yellowstone's very own punctual water cannon, has been gushing out performance reviews on the dot, like a boss, since the dawn of geysers: it reliably erupts every 91 minutes, give or take 10 minutes, and shoots water impressively up to 180 feet high, making it the natural clock park rangers swear by.
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6. Umbrella-worthy Fountain Show

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and don't forget your umbrellas, because Mother Nature's fountain show is about to put Vegas to shame: Old Faithful erupts up to 20 times a day and spews out a staggering 3,700 to 8,400 gallons of water per eruption, shooting up to heights of 100-180 feet and providing a mesmerizing, albeit slightly damp, spectacle for all to enjoy.
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7. Volcanic Symphony

Bubbling with excitement, Old Faithful plays its own volcanic symphony over at Yellowstone National Park: Seismic behavior comparable to that of real volcanoes, like "bubblequakes," harmonic tremors, and periods of earthquake-like silence before eruptions, has been discovered, giving researchers a valuable chance to study geothermal processes in action!
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8. Grandma's Coffee Maker

Old Faithful isn't just your grandma's coffee maker, brewing up a hot pot of wake-me-up every morning: This illustrious geyser's eruptions actually result from a mix of pressure and water temperature, as the liquid courses through a narrow vent, eventually reaching boiling point and unleashing steam-powered spouts, which travel at sound-speed for the initial 20 to 30 seconds.
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9. Earthquake-affected Eruptions

Old Faithful, the geyser that likes to shake things up: Its eruption intervals can change due to seismic events and annual rainfall. Spectacular spoutings have been affected by the rocking 'n' rolling of the 1959 M7.3 Hebgen Lake earthquake, the groovy 1975 M6.1 Norris Geyser Basin quake, and the 1983 M6.9 Borah Peak (Idaho) quake. Plus, in a watery twist, wet years make the eruptions occur slightly more often than in dry years, because there's just more H2O ready to burst forth!
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Punctual Royal Attraction

10. Punctual Royal Attraction

Whoever said "punctuality is the soul of business" must have been inspired by Old Faithful: This punctual geyser has eruptions occurring every 60-110 minutes, shooting 3,700 to 8,400 US gallons of boiling water up to 185 feet high, and lasting for up to 5 minutes, making it one of Yellowstone National Park's most reliable attractions.
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11. Queen's Splashy Soiree

While Old Faithful might not be as punctual as the queen's corgis, it sure knows how to make a splash at a royal soiree: this impressively loyal geyser erupts every 50 to 127 minutes, launching 3,700–8,400 gallons of scalding water up to 184 feet in the air for a steamy spectacle lasting up to 5 minutes.
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