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Unleash the Lava: Top 14 Amazing Fun Facts About Kilauea You Need to Know!

illustration of kilauea
Get ready to erupt with excitement as we dive into some fascinating and little-known fun facts about Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes!

1. Godzilla of Lava Parties

Who said size doesn't matter? Kīlauea's Pu‘u‘ō‘ō eruption was like the Godzilla of lava parties, leaving a trail of destruction and some unexpected party favors in its wake: From 1983 to 2018, this volcanic rager destroyed 215 structures, buried 14.3 km of highway under 35 meters of lava, but also gifted Hawai'i with 177 hectares of new land along the southeastern shore – talk about a housewarming gift!
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2. Volcanic Morning Breath

If you think morning breath is bad, just wait till you meet Kilauea's voggy exhale: During sustained eruptions, Kilauea Volcano releases around 2,000 tons of sulfur dioxide gas daily, resulting in a volcanic smog that can cause health issues for Island of Hawai`i residents while damaging crops and corroding metal objects. No vogitivity needed, just a good old U.S. Geological Survey!
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3. Home Wreckers and Highway Robbers

In a classic case of home wreckers and highway robbers, Kilauea's volcanic tantrums have both annihilated and expanded the land in a fiery game of give and take: From 1983 to 2018, Kilauea's Pu‘u‘ō‘ō eruption not only destroyed 215 structures and buried 8.9 miles of highway under 115 feet of lava, but also generously added 439 acres of brand new terrain to its southeastern shore, giving scientists a front-row seat to Mother Nature's hot-headed drama.
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4. Lava Insulated Travel Mugs

Who said lava tubes don't make good insulated travel mugs? Kilauea's episode 53 smirked at thermoses: it kept a sweltering 1,140 degrees Celsius (2,085 degrees Fahrenheit) lava temperature even after traveling 10 kilometers (6 miles) to the ocean, still hot enough to make any barista jealous!
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Eruption's Blue Burning Flames

5. Eruption's Blue Burning Flames

In a plot twist that could make even M. Night Shyamalan green with envy, an eruption gave birth to an unexpected star: blue burning flames! Seriously though: during Kilauea's eruption near Leilani Estates Subdivision, methane gas was produced from burning vegetation buried by hot lava, and when ignited in subsurface voids, blue burning flames emerged from the cracks, first spotted on Kahukai Street on May 22, 2018, at 11:30 PM, HST.
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6. Steamy Love Affair: Lava Meets Ocean

Talk about a steamy love affair: When Kilauea's fiery lava embraces the cool ocean, they create a dangerous gas named "laze," a cocktail of hydrochloric acid, steam, and volcanic glass. As the lava boils the ocean, reactive salt molecules create hydrochloric acid, a serious no-no for your lungs and eyes. Luckily, the zesty plume doesn't stray far before clean air swoops in and steals its thunder. Who knew getting hot and heavy could have such volatile consequences?
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7. Volcano-Dwelling Wildlife

Whoever said don't play with fire hadn't been to Kilauea, where birds, bats, and insects dance around the volcano like it's a thousand-year-old campfire: These native species evolved uniquely on the Hawaiian Archipelago, and while they've proved themselves masters of fire, they're in dire need of help combatting a new invasive predator – conservation efforts are now more crucial than ever to preserve their volcanic lifestyles!
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8. Fiery, Lava-Infused Mouthwash

If Kīlauea were a dental hygiene product, it'd surely be a fiery, lava-infused mouthwash that'll keep you feeling fresh for millennia: In fact, this active volcano's name means "much spreading" in Hawaiian, not for its oral rinsing capabilities but for its history of frequent and massive eruptions – serving as the legendary abode of Pele, the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes.
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9. Munchies for Spatter Cones

Kilauea's got the munchies for spatter cones, serving up a volcanic platter of bite-sized lava scoria: Spatter cones, formed by speedy lava droplets that cool rapidly, dot the Hawaiian landscape in linear clusters along fissures, each measuring a petite 1 to 5 meters in height.
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Kilauea's Teenage Rebellion

10. Kilauea's Teenage Rebellion

Kilauea's 300-year teenage rebellion: You thought your teenager was explosive? Try dealing with Kilauea's volcanic tantrum from 1470 to the early 1800s, when it shifted from oozing lava to explosive eruptions, featuring gargantuan lava fountains soaring over 2,000 feet high and scattering the Keanakāko'i tephra layer 35 feet thick all over its summit.
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11. Go with the Flow Mentality

Kilauea, the volcano that embraces a "go with the flow" mentality: Its magma contains lower levels of silica and water compared to the likes of Mount St. Helens, which usually results in more chilled-out, non-explosive eruptions – except for those rare occasions when it cranks up the drama by encountering ground water or releasing deep-seated pressurized gas.
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12. Kīlauea's 60-Year-Long Housewarming Party

When Kīlauea threw a 60-year-long volcanic housewarming party, the 'Ailā‘au flow really knew how to paint the town red – or at least, covered in lava: The ‘Ailā‘au flow, which erupted from Kīlauea around 1,000 years ago, flowed for about 60 years and blanketed much of Kīlauea's summit to the coast north of the East Rift Zone, with some lava even crashing the southern shores at Keauhou Landing.
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13. Real-life Game of Lava Floor

Kilauea: The real-life game of Lava Floor that went a bit overboard – This Hawaiian volcano's Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō eruption, starting in 1983, became the lengthiest and most abundant lava flow on record from Kīlauea's East Rift Zone, covering 144 km2 (55.6 mi2) by 2018, creating 177 hectares (439 acres) of new land, demolishing 215 structures, and submerging 14.3 km (8.9 mi) of highway in up to 35 m (115 ft) of molten rock.
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14. Kilauea's Prom Season Mood Swings

Kilauea's got more mood swings than a teenager during prom season: This Hawaiian volcano alternates between explosive and effusive eruptions based on its magma supply, creating steamy explosions when the lava column meets the water table.
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