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Discover the Magic: Top 12 Fun Facts About the Cliffs of Moher You Won't Believe!

illustration of cliffs-of-moher
Dive into a treasure trove of intriguing trivia and discover the whimsical wonders surrounding the Cliffs of Moher – where nature's grandeur meets fascinating tidbits that'll leave you awe-struck.

1. Bird-watcher's Paradise

Forget about Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds," and welcome to the real feathery extravaganza at the Cliffs of Moher: housing over 30,000 birds from 29 different species, including the ever-popular Atlantic Puffins, hawks, gulls, guillemots, shags, ravens, and choughs, these cliffs are a bird-watcher's dream come true!
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2. Puffin Olympic Champions

If ever there were an Olympic sport for seabirds, the Atlantic puffins residing at the Cliffs of Moher would undoubtedly take home the gold for "fish carrying": These vibrantly adorned athletes can hold their breath for up to one minute and catch an average of 10 fish per trip, often juggling over a dozen fish in their beaks at once to feed their ravenous chicks. Luckily for bird enthusiasts, these astonishing cliffs have been declared a protected area under the EU Birds Directive of 1979, boasting 20 species of birds living within the sanctuary, including nine species of breeding seabirds and up to 30,000 breeding pairs.
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3. Cliffs' Magical Movie Cameo

You might think that the Cliffs of Moher had a "magical" cameo in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, acting as stage and backdrop for the perilous cave scene, but it's not all as enchanting as it seems: The truth is, only the exterior shots of the cave were filmed at the cliffs, while the real action took place on a set, with Lemon Rock near the Skelligs island doubling as the captivating vista, all thanks to the wizardry of CGI.
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4. Puffin House Party

If you've ever wanted to attend a bird's house party of epic "puff-portions," Ireland's Cliffs of Moher is the place to be: Home to the country's largest mainland colony of Puffins, these sky-high cliffs cater to 1,365 party-loving Puffins and over 30,000 seabird guests, including Fulmars, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, and Great Black-backed Gulls, all nesting underground in burrows and on grassy summits.
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Cliffs' Talent Show

5. Cliffs' Talent Show

Birdwatchers, assemble: it's time for the annual "Feathered Friends and Foes of the Cliffs of Moher Talent Show," where you can catch a glimpse of over 30 species of seabirds, including puffin professionals, guillemot gurus, and razorbill rockstars! No need to hold your applause, folks: The Cliffs of Moher is a designated Special Protection Area for Birds and Wildlife, giving these avian virtuosos the perfect stage to showcase their diversity and remind us how important it is to protect their habitats for future generations to enjoy.
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6. Tech Meets Nature: Cliffs of Moher App

Gather 'round, ye tech-savvy appreneurs and nature nerds! Be ye prepared for the ultimate pairing of the old world's unmatched beauty and the new age's technical prowess on none other than the Cliffs of Moher – the land of leprechaun layoffs and emerald escarpments: Feast thou eyes and ears upon a free interactive mobile app, available on Apple App Store and Android Playstore, that offers a grand total of 13 audio tracks for thy listening pleasure! Delve into Ireland's most visited natural attraction, its myths, history, music, and biodiversity, all without the unnecessary massacre of innocent trees for information brochures, thanks to and Cork-based Inhand Guides Smart Audio.
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7. Bird Hitchhikers' Destination

Why did the bird hitch a ride to the Cliffs of Moher? To hang out with its 19 species of feathered friends, of course! The hilarious truth: The Cliffs of Moher are a bird-watching utopia, hosting major colonies of nesting sea birds and boasting a Special Protection Area (SPA) for Birds designation, making it a go-to destination for bird enthusiasts worldwide.
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8. O'Brien's Tower and Visitor Experience

Before the days of Instagram-worthy travel spots and humblebrags, Cornelius O'Brien, landlord and MP extraordinaire, was ahead of his time when he dabbled in improving the tourists' "cliff notes" experience: In 1835, O'Brien built the eponymous O'Brien's Tower on the Cliffs of Moher, not as a teahouse or folly, but as an observation point for visitors to marvel at the panoramic views of the Aran Islands and the Twelve Bens of Connemara across Galway Bay.
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9. Puffin's Rock Hangout

If you're "puffin" for some good times and a hilarious birdwatching experience, look no further than the Cliffs of Moher: these majestic cliffs are home to a designated Puffin's Rock, where visitors can enjoy the colorful antics of these adorable seabirds perched on the edge or flapping above ocean waves.
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Seabird Spectacle Season

10. Seabird Spectacle Season

From impromptu family reunions to a cacophony of karaoke-esque serenades: the Cliffs of Moher transform into a haven for over 20,000 nesting seabirds, such as puffins and falcons, between May and July, providing a unique, naturally orchestrated spectacle on these iconic Irish rocks.
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11. Legendary Cliffs' Myths and Tales

From witches and mermaids to a tragic Atlantis-inspired tale, the Cliffs of Moher are truly the Irish answer to a thrilling soap opera set on a majestic stage: These legendary cliffs, towering over the Atlantic coast, have long captivated visitors with age-old myths of magical creatures and an ill-fated sunken city, luring travelers worldwide with tales of oceanic lore and adventure.
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12. Award-Winning Irish Attraction

In a plot twist even Gulliver couldn't have traveled to find, the majestic Cliffs of Moher have leaped to the front of the pack, bagging the crowning jewel of all Irish travel tokens: Ireland's Best Visitor Attraction of 2023, as per the CIE Tours International Awards of Excellence. Boasting top-notch service and jaw-dropping views, the award serves as a cliff-hanger of a testament to these geological wonders' rock-solid place in the tourism Hall of Fame.
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