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Discover the Charm of Hawaii: Top 9 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Lanai Island

illustration of lanai
Delve into the lesser-known side of Lanai and discover the amusing, fascinating, and downright quirky facts about this Hawaiian gem that will surely pique your curiosity and tickle your fancy!

1. Larry's Island Extravaganza

Welcome to Larry's Superstore, Gas Emporium, and Island Extravaganza: Billionaire Larry Ellison owns a whopping 90,000-acre Lanai Island in Hawaii, making him the boss of most residents and proprietor of the main grocery store, gas station, community newspaper, and the only non-Four Seasons hotel, while hosting high-profile guests like Elon Musk, Tom Cruise, and Benjamin Netanyahu.
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2. Cat Sanctuary Paradise

Lanai: where it's raining cats but definitely not birds! The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has evolved from a humble beginning of 25 whiskered residents to the cozy abode of almost 700 purr-fect felines, all while protecting the endangered ground-nesting sea birds since 2006: Lanai's very own Catwoman, Kathy Carroll, kickstarted this feline utopia in a bid to save the island's homeless cats, and today, these furry friends receive food, medical care, and unlimited cuddles while they live their nine lives on the four-acre sanctuary just a hop, skip, and a meow away from Lanai Airport.
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3. Kanepu'u Time Machine

Step right into Lanai's time machine and transport yourself back to ancient Hawaii: Kanepu'u Preserve on Lanai shelters a rare native dryland forest that once blanketed much of the islands, complete with sacred Hawaiian Sandalwood groves ('iliahi), endangered species like the native gardenia (nā'ū), and charming residents such as the pueo (short-eared owl) and kōlea (Pacific golden-plover) who put on lively shows for visitors along a self-guided interpretive trail.
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4. Munro Trail of Islands

Imagine hiking up a trail that promises more island sightings than a season of Survivor, making you feel like an intrepid explorer conquering island after island: On Lanai's Munro Trail, you can enjoy panoramic views of not just Lanai, but also five other Hawaiian Islands - Maui, Molokai, Kaho'olawe, Oahu, and Hawaii Island, on a clear day – all while traversing valleys, lower mountain peaks, and finally reaching the summit of Lanaihale, standing tall at 3,366 feet above sea level. Just remember to channel your inner Indiana Jones and consult a knowledgeable local or hotel concierge before venturing forth, as the trail can sometimes become impassable due to rain.
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Cliff-Diving Warriors

5. Cliff-Diving Warriors

Before taking the plunge into marriage, some folks jump off cliffs: Kahekili's Leap, a 63-foot high wonder, was the spot where daring Ali'i 'ai moku Kahekili tested his warriors' bravery by having them dive into 12-foot deep water with a treacherous 15-foot rock shelf at the bottom. Today, thrill-seekers can visit this cliff as part of the Kaunolu Village Site on Lanai, which also features the well-preserved Halulu Heiau and its nearby Pu'uhonua, a sanctuary for kapu lawbreakers.
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6. Deities' Rock-Paper-Scissors

When rock-paper-scissors tournaments turn mythical: The Garden of the Gods in Lanai is believed to be an ancient battleground for Hawaiian deities who used the enormous boulders as their arsenal. These massive geological wonders now display unique formations due to eons of erosion and offer astonishing views of the Pacific Ocean, Molokai, and Oahu on cloudless days – a testament to the divine shenanigans Hawaii's gods once played in their version of rock-paper-scissors. Just remember to show your reverence by leaving the rocks undisturbed as you explore this sacred site.
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7. Hawaiʻi's Hunger Games

Lanai: Where deer and sheep join forces in the annual Hunger Games of Hawaiʻi: The hunting season commences with four separate hunts, including an archery bout, a youth challenge, a muzzleloader skirmish, and a general rifle showdown, where Hawaiʻi residents pay $20 and non-residents fork over $125 per tag—with Axis deer limited to three captures and Mouflon sheep maxing out at a herd of four—participation is determined by a classic lottery drawing, conforming to all Covid-19 rules and optionally featuring senior citizens and disabled hunters with proper paperwork proving their aides' credentials.
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8. Isle of Whispers Golf

Aspiring golfing pros and novices alike can brave the Isle of Whispers and swing away amidst breathtaking cliffs: Lanai's Manele Golf Course, designed by Jack Nicklaus, flaunts a five-tee concept with three holes perched dramatically over the Pacific Ocean, providing complimentary club rentals, private instruction, and Golf 101 programs to accommodate a range of skill levels, as well as a well-stocked shop to satisfy your souvenir and apparel needs.
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9. Shipwreck Treasure Beach

Step right up to Shipwreck Beach, where one man's trash is another man's, well, beachside treasure: Lanai's hidden gem is a seven-mile stretch of coastline brimming with fascinating flotsam and jetsam, perfect for hiking, fishing, or sun soaking - but leave the mermaid dreams at home, as swimming is a no-go due to strong currents.
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