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Discover the Arabian Peninsula: Top 12 Amazing Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of the-arabian-peninsula
Embark on a fascinating journey as we unravel a treasure trove of intriguing tidbits and delightful surprises, all about the captivating Arabian Peninsula!

1. Giant Sand Dune: Tel Moreeb

Step aside, Jack and his beanstalk – the Arabian Peninsula is home to a towering sand dune that puts magical flora to shame: Behold the mighty Tel Moreeb, standing tall at over 300 meters in the UAE's Empty Quarter, attracting daredevil motorsports enthusiasts for the annual Moreeb Hill Climb while impressing explorers like Wilfred Thesiger with its dizzying 50-degree incline and ever-changing sandy landscape.
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2. Tropic of Cancer: Celestial Arabian Skylight

As though the Earth's roof has a skylight for the Arabian Peninsula's sunshine lounge: the Tropic of Cancer, crossing the region, is the northernmost point where the Sun can shine directly overhead during the June solstice; being located at 23°26′10.5″ north of the Equator, it makes a grand celestial appearance 90 degrees below the horizon at solar midnight on the December solstice, with its position governed by Earth's axial tilt against the plane of its orbit.
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3. Camel Humps: Desert Survival Hack

Cue the "Law & Order" sound effect, because camels are the true MVPs of the desert and hold the secret to life's most pressing question – how do they beat the heat without breaking a sweat? Dun dun: The answer lies in their humps, which can store up to 80 pounds of fat that breaks down into water and energy, allowing camels to travel up to 100 miles through barren desert without a single pit stop! In fact, these dromedary detectives can go without water for weeks, barely perspiring and efficiently conserving fluids. Talk about a thirst-quenching twist!
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4. Kingdom Centre's SkyBridge: Cloud-high Views

What do a drunken giraffe and the Kingdom Centre's SkyBridge have in common? They'll both give you a wobbly view of Riyadh with their heads up in the clouds: The SkyBridge, sitting 300 meters high atop the Kingdom Centre in Saudi Arabia, stretches a staggering 65 meters long, weighs an astonishing 300 tons, and is accessible by two elevators (with a combined ride time of under 90 seconds) offering tourists a unique and vertigo-inducing experience at SR 69 for adults and SR 23 for kids under 10 years. Infants under 2 years? They're laughing all the way to the top for free!
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Operation Oryx: Antelope Comeback Story

5. Operation Oryx: Antelope Comeback Story

When push came to shove, the Phoenix Zoo really had a goryx-eous day at the international hoofball: Operation Oryx saved the Arabian oryx, a stunning white antelope, from being wiped off the desert sands like a chalk doodle! This masterful comeback starred six countries, five zoos, and countless conservation lovebirds: the 1962 desert expedition secured the last living Arabian oryxes, replanted their roots in Arizona, and sent their descendants on a triumphant Arabian Nights Tour to their native Oman, ultimately boosting their endangered status to just vulnerable in 2011. Today, our hoofed heroes boast a 1,000-strong family tree while 6,000-7,000 of their pals vacation in managed care worldwide.
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6. House of Wisdom: Arabian Camel-lennial Library

Did you hear about the Arabian library that was so amazing, even the camel-lennials couldn't resist reading its books? The House of Wisdom in Baghdad: Founded in the 8th century by Caliph al-Mansur as a private collection and later turned into a public academy, it was the world's most impressive book hub, translating texts from Greek and Syriac to Arabic and producing awe-inspiring works in philosophy, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and optics during its time—until the Siege of Baghdad in 1258, sadly leaving behind only remnants of its once rich cultural heritage.
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7. Masirah Island: TMNT Turtle Vacation

If the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ever wanted to take a family vacation, Masirah Island in Oman is definitely the place to be: it's the proud host of all five species of sea turtles found in Omani waters, including the green, loggerhead, hawksbill, olive ridley, and leatherback turtles, with the island being a particularly crucial nesting spot for the oh-so-plentiful loggerheads.
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8. Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi: Emirati Wonder Woman

Move over, Wonder Woman: Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi swooped in as the first woman to hold a cabinet position in the United Arab Emirates in 2004, simultaneously serving as the Minister for Economy & Planning and the CEO of Tejari - Middle East's premier electronic B2B marketplace. With a 15-year stronghold in information technology management, Sheikha Lubna has also helmed various e-government initiatives in the UAE, while sharing her superhero powers as an active volunteer and board member of organizations like the Dubai Autism Center and Zayed University.
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9. Agarwood Tree: Money-growing Bark

Whoever said "money doesn't grow on trees" never met the lavish, resin-wielding agarwood tree of the Arabian Peninsula! Its bark is truly worse than its bite, dishing out a pricey and aromatic treat: this tree produces a highly valuable fragrant resin known as oud, a key ingredient in traditional Arabian perfumes that boasts a luxurious and long-lasting aroma.
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Botanical Paradise: Arabian Floral Stand

10. Botanical Paradise: Arabian Floral Stand

You might think the Arabian Peninsula is a barren wasteland where only camels can survive, but it's actually a secret botanical paradise where flora dare to make a stand: Home to an astonishing array of unique and captivating plants such as the Blood Lily, Red Acacia, and Desert Rose, these indigenous beauties can be found flourishing in regions like Asir, Al Baha, Jazan, Hejaz, and northern parts of Saudi Arabia, adding colors to the desert canvas.
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11. Volcano Acne: Harrat Al Birk Cones

Beware of the Arabian Peninsula's acne problem: an eruption of over 200 volcanic scoria cones! To be more precise: the Harrat Al Birk volcanic field in Saudi Arabia is a geological wonderland, adorned with these captivating cones that have formed over thousands of years, and serve as the natural barrier between the coastal plains of Tihamat ash Sham and Tihamat 'Asir.
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12. Taif Rose Mystery: Beyoncé of Roses

It's easy to get whisked away by the sweet smell of success when your perfume boasts a touch of Taif Rose – the Beyoncé of the rose world, adored for its unique, sassy aroma and elusive origins: Sitting pretty in the mountains of Taif, Saudi Arabia, the much-coveted Taif Rose is striking in scent, encompassing notes of lychee, green, metallic, spicy, and citrusy nuances, with its genealogy originating from either the Balkans or India – but nobody knows for sure. This prestigious flower is utilized in luxurious aromatherapy and carrier blends, thanks to the magical oil extracted by steam distillation – giving you a whiff of nature's finest.
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