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Discover the Caribbean's Hidden Gems: Top 7 Fun Facts About St. Kitts and Nevis

illustration of st-kitts-and-nevis
Get ready to be amazed by the vibrant, surprising, and downright fascinating nuggets of trivia on the gem-like duo of St. Kitts and Nevis!

1. Passport Deal & Tax Haven

If passports were on a supermarket shelf, St. Kitts and Nevis would be the "buy one, get tax relief for free" deal: Their citizenship by investment program allows foreigners to score both a shiny new passport and a tax haven status, with a minimum investment of $250,000 to the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation or by purchasing approved real estate worth at least $400,000. Enjoy visa-free travel to over 100 countries and chuckle all the way to the tax-free bank, my dear globetrotters!
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2. Columbus' Caribbean Getaway

When Christopher Columbus built his first Caribbean getaway and whispered, "You sunk my battleship!": St. Kitts and Nevis actually became home to the Caribbean's maiden UNESCO World Heritage site - the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park, boasting its rich colonial legacy and offering time-traveling tourists an up-close experience of the island's vibrant history.
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3. Culturama: The Culture Festival

Step aside, Coachella and Mardi Gras, there's a new festival in town that's got culture served on a platter with a side of rhythm: Culturama in Nevis aims to preserve the island's rich cultural heritage through music, dance, and food, and hopes to eventually compete with other renowned global festivals while boosting Nevis’ economy.
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4. Tiniest Sovereign State

If you assumed Ant-Man's claim to fame was being the tiniest superhero, then brace yourself for a microscopic adventure: St. Kitts and Nevis is the smallest sovereign state in the Western Hemisphere, occupying a minuscule 104 square miles of island real estate.
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Shipwreck Diver's Paradise

5. Shipwreck Diver's Paradise

Davy Jones' Locker meets the Caribbean: St. Kitts and Nevis boasts a treasure trove of spectacular shipwrecks waiting to be explored by diving enthusiasts. These underwater time capsules include 80s-era wrecks such as the Liamuiga and hurricane-split vessels like the River Taw – all hosting a vibrant aquatic community and beckoning history buffs to plunge into their watery depths.
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6. Knights of Ni's Vacation Spot

If the Knights of Ni ever needed a Caribbean vacation spot, the Brimstone Hill Fortress would surely be their pick: This UNESCO World Heritage site in St. Kitts and Nevis is not only a glorious national park but also a testament to the architecture and engineering skills of the colonizers back in the 18th century.
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7. Drunken Monkey Island

Straight out of a Drunken Monkey Kung Fu flick: St. Kitts and Nevis's vervet monkeys may now outnumber humans on the islands. They live out a PG-rated version of "The Hangover" thanks to their notorious raiding of local cocktail bars, but farmers are far from laughing, as their appetite for crops wreaks havoc on the succulent scenery. Brought in during the 17th century as exotic pets-gone-wild, these party animals are now part of a United Nations Environment Programme aimed at managing their population growth and monitoring their environmental impact. Talk about monkeying around!
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