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Discover the Island Paradise: Top 10 Fun Facts About Sri Lanka You Never Knew!

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Get ready to embark on an adventure filled with surprises as you explore a treasure trove of fun facts about the beautiful and captivating island nation of Sri Lanka!

1. Mirissa Match-Maker: Whale Watching Heaven

Who needs dating apps when you've got the Mirissa Match-Maker: a hot spot where even the biggest, bluest, most krill-seeking bachelors and bachelorettes in the ocean meet for a whale of a time? Behold Mirissa, Sri Lanka: one of the world's prime whale watching destinations, where blue whales congregate between October and April to migrate and breed, allowing you to marvel at their magnificent sizes of up to 33.6 meters long and 173 tonnes, all while zipping through the sea at a cool 50 km per hour.
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2. Simba's Cousin: Sigiriya, the Lion's Rock

Say hello to Simba's long lost cousin, hiding in the ancient jungle of Sri Lanka: Sigiriya, the Lion's Rock, is a breathtakingly majestic, 180-meter tall granite peak housing the ruins of King Kassapa I's 5th-century capital. Upon scaling the heights, daring explorers encounter a colossal lion sculpture majestically guarding a network of art-filled galleries and dramatic staircases, all within this UNESCO World Heritage site packed with history and culture.
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3. Healing Cocktail: Hela Wedakama Medicine

Feeling under the weather? Sri Lanka has the ultimate healing cocktail for you: The island nation boasts a unique blend of traditional medicine called "Hela wedakama," combining Sinhala, Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani, and indigenous practices, with college teachings dating back to 1929 at the University of Colombo's Institute of Indigenous Medicine.
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4. Tree-Hugger Day: National Tree Planting Day

In a leaf out of Mother Nature's playbook, Sri Lanka scores a home run against deforestation and discovers its inner tree-hugger every year: On November 15th, this island nation enthusiastically celebrates National Tree Planting Day, urging citizens to branch out from their daily routine and root for a greener environment by participating in tree-planting activities across the country.
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Stairway to Interfaith Harmony: Adam's Peak Pilgrimage

5. Stairway to Interfaith Harmony: Adam's Peak Pilgrimage

If you thought your religious studies class was confusing, try taking a pilgrimage to Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka: A sacred destination for Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims alike, this 2,243-meter-high summit boasts a footprint belonging to either Adam, Lord Shiva, or Buddha, depending on who you ask. Each year, thousands of devout stair masters climb 5,200 steps during the pilgrimage season from December to May, attempting to level up their spirituality while embracing the harmony of religious diversity.
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6. Blockbuster Brew: Sri Lanka's Tea Industry

If tea were a blockbuster movie, Sri Lanka would be the high-grossing star, sipping success and brewing fame in its picturesque hillside estates: As the world's fourth-largest tea producer and top exporter in 1995, the country's tea industry contributes over US$1.3 billion to its economy, employs more than a million people, and tantalizes taste buds globally with its premium Nuwara Eliya teas.
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7. Cat & Tourist Game: Yala National Park Leopards

In a stealthy game of cat and mouse, or rather, cat and tourists, Sri Lanka's Yala National Park reigns supreme: Boasting a population of 300-350 Sri Lankan leopards, the largest sub-species of leopards in Asia, it flaunts a dense congregation of these elusive feline overlords, while Mahoora Safari Adventures' adept guides may increase one's chances of a majestic encounter during early morning and dusk escapades.
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8. Good Karma Tree: Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi

If cutting down trees usually brings bad karma, this tree is playing on a different spiritual level: The Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is the oldest human-planted tree with a known planting date and holds sacred roots as it's grown from a cutting of the tree under which Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment.
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9. Balancing Act: Sri Lankan Stilt Fishing

Forget about fishing for compliments, we're talking about fishing on stilts: In Sri Lanka, fishermen have been perching on handmade stilts above the ocean since the 1940s to catch fish, a practice that began during World War II due to food and boat shortages. Though not as widespread, this unique cultural tradition continues today, perfectly captured in The Last of the Stilt Fishers.
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Cinnamon King: Sri Lanka's Ceylon Cinnamon Export

10. Cinnamon King: Sri Lanka's Ceylon Cinnamon Export

Step aside, pumpkin spice; Sri Lanka's got a piece of the bark to steal your spot: As the world's largest exporter of Ceylon cinnamon, Sri Lanka takes pride in its generations-old cinnamon crafting process that requires cultivating saplings for four years, before expert peelers meticulously carve the finest quills, leaving consumers with the purest cinnamon experience.
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