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Discover Rwanda: Top 9 Amazing Fun Facts You Never Knew About the Land of a Thousand Hills

illustration of rwanda
Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey as we uncover the hidden gems and delightful surprises that make Rwanda a treasure trove of fun facts!

1. Gorilla Family Reunion

In the ultimate "family reunion" of the century, over half of the world's mountain gorillas have gathered in Rwanda's very own Virunga Mountains: conservation efforts have resulted in a delightful increase in their population, now boasting 604 individuals in the Virunga Massif, proving that sometimes part of the "Kong" family can thrive with a little human interaction and care.
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2. English Confusion in Schools

When Rwandan students play a game of "teacher says" and the teacher says "speak English," the students may just be left scratching their heads: as of December 2019, English became the official language for primary school instruction in Rwanda, but only 38% of primary schoolteachers in rural areas actually have a working knowledge of the language, making lessons quite the linguistic conundrum, particularly in underprivileged regions where finding qualified educators is already a struggle.
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3. Flower Power Insecticide

In Rwanda, they've taken flower power to a whole new level, daisy-ing up their economy with a natural weapon of insect destruction: Pyrethrum, a natural insecticide cultivated from lovely daisies in the Virunga mountains, saw its production skyrocket from 200 to 1,300 tonnes between 2009 and 2013, after being abandoned during the 1994 genocide. This blooming industry exports mainly to the US and Europe, raking in foreign exchange and providing sweet petal profits for farmers.
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4. Mountain Gorillas' Royal Family

In Rwanda, you could say mountain gorillas have their own "royal family" that could rival anything on television: Rwanda is home to over 500 mountain gorillas, accounting for half of the entire world's population. These fascinating creatures can be found in Volcanoes National Park, which is part of the Virunga Mountains. Here, 12 groups of habituated gorillas warmly welcome visitors to experience one of the most incredible safari adventures with a chance to encounter a species that currently has only 800 members left in the world.
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Thrilling Gorilla Standoff

5. Thrilling Gorilla Standoff

Gorillas in the mist or tourists on a waiting list? In Rwanda, it's somewhat of a thrilling standoff: Rwanda is home to one of only four national parks in the world where visitors can marvel at the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. But don't go packing your hiking boots just yet—there are a mere 96 permits issued daily, meaning you'll have to plan well in advance to secure your very own moment with these majestic creatures.
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6. Plastic Bag Wrath

Entering Rwanda? Prepare to feel the "plastic bag wrath" at customs, as enforcers swoop in like eco-vigilantes to confiscate these contraband items: In a heroic effort to combat pollution, Rwanda banned the importation, production, sale, and use of non-biodegradable plastic bags back in 2008, opting instead for more earth-friendly alternatives like paper bags. This audacious move transformed the country into one of the cleanest in the world – Mother Earth nods her approval.
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7. Rwandan King Kong Sanctuary

Step aside, Hollywood, as a real-life King Kong and his golden sidekick have found their sanctuary: Rwanda is home to the rare and endangered mountain gorilla and golden monkey, with the nation putting its best foot forward in conservation efforts through dedicated national parks and reserves.
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8. Umuganda: Rwandan Avengers

Who knew Rwanda had its very own Avengers-style assembly? Well, kind of: On the last Saturday of every month, Rwanda's national holiday Umuganda gathers all able-bodied citizens between 18 and 65 to participate in community service. Instituted in 2009, this civil conscription program promotes unity, self-reliance, and a spirit of volunteerism among Rwandans - and skipping out on superhero duty could result in a 5,000-franc ($6) fine!
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9. Rwanda: Tiny Nature's Beauty Pageant

In a world where size doesn't matter, one tiny African country flexes its muscles as the ultimate "Survivor" in nature's beauty pageant: In reality, Rwanda may be small, but it boasts breathtaking landscapes ranging from the verdant jungles of Nyungwe National Park to the idyllic shores of Lake Kivu, offering a diverse sampling of Mother Earth's most stunning creations.
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