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Discover Mongolia: Top 12 Unforgettable Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of mongolia
Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey as we unravel some astonishing fun facts about the enigmatic and captivating land of Mongolia!

1. Nomadic Ger Living

Who needs a "Ger-away" vacation when you can live like a nomad?: In Mongolia, many families continue the traditional nomadic lifestyle living in gers—portable tents made of felt and canvas, with picturesque artwork and vibrant textiles adorning the tent—which also accommodate a stove for cooking and warmth, and varying levels of modern amenities, allowing the centuries-old custom to thrive amidst harsh climates and remote locations.
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2. Guard Fish on the Flag

In a world where finding Nemo has become synonymous with seeking hidden treasure, Mongolia's got its own watchful pair of aquatic bodyguards, making sure nobody's spilling their Mongolicious secrets: The Soyombo symbol on Mongolia's flag includes a depiction of two fish to represent eternal vigilance, along with elements like fire, sun, moon, earth, and water, showcasing the nation's freedom, independence, and rich cultural heritage.
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3. The Mongoliad Tale

Once a Mongolian wrestler, a European knight, and a Persian mystic walk into a bar... well, sort of: The Mongoliad, created by the Subutai Corporation, spins an enthralling tale sharing the lesser-known adventures of these diverse fighters, set amidst the gripping backdrop of the Mongol conquests, intricately incorporating historical martial arts techniques from the East and West, and transcending formats from online serials and apps all the way to print and Kindle editions.
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4. Dairy Delights

Get ready to raise your glasses to a dairy good time in Mongolia: This land of yaks and nomads boasts an impressive array of dairy-based beverages including milk tea, fruit juice, homemade milk vodka, and even alcohol drinks with flavors as varied as the animals they milk!
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Jurassic Park Meets Bob Ross

5. Jurassic Park Meets Bob Ross

What do you get when you cross Jurassic Park with a Bob Ross painting? The Flaming Cliffs of Mongolia: a veritable treasure trove of dino-discoveries, featuring major players like the Protoceratops, Velociraptor, Pinacosaurus, and the egg-o-maniac Oviraptor since their unearthing by western scientists in 1922. Now a protected park, Mother Nature's fossil-factory continues to bedazzle budding paleontologists and adventurers alike!
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6. Dino Discoveries at Flaming Cliffs

Feeling a little hot under the collar, T-Rex? It's probably just the Flaming Cliffs of Mongolia: a treasure trove of prehistoric fossils, including the first-ever dinosaur discovered in the country by western scientists and home to the fearsome Velociraptor. This geological marvel now enjoys protection as a park, ensuring its secrets continue to dazzle and educate generations to come.
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7. Deel Utility Belts

Who says utility belts are exclusive to Batman and Boy Scouts? Say hello to their Mongolian cousins: Deels are traditional clothing worn in rural Mongolia with a clever design that lets you stash silver bowls, cups, or even your favorite snacks in a large pocket right above the belt.
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8. Rockin' Orkhon Valley

Who says ancient stonework can't be groundbreaking? The Orkhon Valley rocks like an air guitar, with an outdoor Turkic language concert that kicked off in the 8th century: These inscriptions, dedicated to Turkic princes Kul Tigin and Bilge Khagan, are the oldest known evidence of the Turkic language and alphabet, with guest appearances from the legendary Turkish origins, fancy Tang Dynasty oppression, and a comeback tour by the iconic Ilterish Qaghan. Today, the inscriptions have VIP access to UNESCO's World Heritage list, and fans have raised around $20 million to keep their legendary legacy alive and rockin'.
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9. Throat Singing Wonders

"If You're Happy and You Know It, Sing in Throat": Mongolian throat singing, practiced by Tuvan, Inuit, and Xhosa people, is an ancient technique that creates multiple notes simultaneously by manipulating the throat cavity and controlling breathing, resulting in a melodious and unusual sound.
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Horsehead Fiddle Magic

10. Horsehead Fiddle Magic

Break out your Napoleon Dynamite dance moves and give a hearty "Gosh!" because the Morin Khuur is the fiddle that tames wild stallions: Mongolia's iconic "horsehead fiddle" features a beautifully carved equine noggin and is not only their national symbol but also an honored treasure on UNESCO's list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
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11. Khorkhog: Rockstar Cuisine

When partying like a Mongolian rockstar, expect some heated gastronomical experiences: Enter Khorkhog, a delicious blend of meat, vegetables and potatoes, cooked to perfection in a pot with hot stones - a must-have at outdoor celebrations, best enjoyed with hand-made Mongolian noodles.
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12. OG Glamping in Yurts

In a world where glamping is all the rage, Mongolians have been doing it since, well, forever: Around 61% of the population in the capital city, Ulaanbaatar, and 90% in rural areas, still call gers (yurts) their homes, making Mongolia the undisputed OG of the nomadic lifestyle. But, modern city planners aren't exactly thrilled, as these yurt quarters raise tough questions on infrastructure, pollution, and access to basic amenities. Nevertheless, yurts stand strong as a symbol of Mongolia's intangible cultural heritage. Go yurt or go home!
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