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Discover Martinique: Top 6 Captivating Fun Facts You Never Knew!

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Dive into the colorful world of Martinique as we uncover some fascinating and lesser-known tidbits about this captivating Caribbean island!

1. Jingle All The Way, Martinique Style!

Don't Martinicans miss a beat when it comes to festive traditions: you'll jingle all the way— if 'all the way' means Martinique, where people have the peculiar custom of celebrating Christmas with hearty chanté-nwels, Christmas caroling that dates back to the time of slavery. Songs about the birth of Christ and the arrival of the Three Kings are sung in chorus and accompanied by the rhythmic beats of the ti-bwa, cha-cha, drum, or harmonica, making this particular Christmastime celebration an unmatched experience across the globe.
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2. Mount Pelée: Hot and Grumbling

Feeling hot, hot, hot? You're probably chilling with Mount Pelée, the ever-grumbling tummy of Martinique: This feisty volcano flexed its fiery muscles in 1902, obliterating Saint-Pierre and wiping out 29,000 to 30,000 lives in mere minutes, and while it's been trying to keep a lid on things since 1932, recent seismic activity raised alert levels in December 2020—reminding us it's not quite ready for "calmest volcano" gold star.
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3. Martinique's Pirate Hangout

Ahoy there, mateys! Ever wonder where pirates went to hang their boots after a hard day of pillaging, plundering, and sipping on some fine Caribbean rum? Look no further than the swashbuckling shores of Martinique: Historically a lively haven for infamous pirates, including Captain Crapeau, Étienne de Montauban, and Mathurin Desmarestz, this island was a go-to pirate port in the 17th and 18th centuries. Martinique even became the target of legendary pirate Bartholomew Roberts, who crafted a fearsome flag featuring two skulls labeled "ABH" and "AMH," symbolizing his disdain for Martinicans and Barbadians alike. Yarrr, they don't call it a pirate's life for nothing!
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4. Drumming Up a Revolution

You know what they say - you can't stop the beat! Well, when it comes to Martinique, you better believe folks take their drumming seriously: The island's abolition of slavery in 1848 was sparked by the arrest of an enslaved man defying his master's command to stop playing his drum, leading to a tradition of drumming from sunrise to dawn on Emancipation Day each year to honor their freedom-seeking ancestors. Talk about a bangin' celebration!
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Carnival: A Juicy Pineapple Party

5. Carnival: A Juicy Pineapple Party

If Martinique's Carnival were a fruit, it would be the juiciest, most rhythmical pineapple you've ever seen: this vibrant celebration dates all the way back to the 17th century, and is a unique fusion of European and African influences. Brought over by French Catholic settlers, the island's Carnival combines the elite settlers' lavish receptions and outfits with African slaves' traditional costumes and drum music, culminating in a dance-tastic, feather-filled extravaganza in Fort-de-France.
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6. Anse Michel: Beach Date Heaven

Why settle for Netflix and chill when you can splash and sunbathe at Anse Michel beach in Martinique? It's the perfect spot for all your water-sports first dates, and the endless blue oceans might just make you want to put a ring on it: The Anse Michel beach offers a smooth water entry and comfortable bottom, perfect for swimming, sunbathing, SUP surfing, kiteboarding, and windsurfing. However, please note that a wave-protected swimming area may not be available for your engagement photo shoot.
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