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Discover Kuwait: 6 Captivating Fun Facts to Unravel the Hidden Gems of this Fascinating Country

illustration of kuwait
Dive into a world of intrigue and fascination as you discover quirky and lesser-known tidbits about the enchanting nation of Kuwait.

1. Melting Point: Record-Breaking Heat

In the sizzling summer of 2016, Kuwait probably wished ice cream vans would magically appear in the desert, but instead experienced temperatures that would have melted every ice cream cone in sight: Mitrabah reported a sweltering 54.0°C (129.2°F), a potential record-breaker for the Eastern hemisphere and Asia, making the lives of refugees in the region even more precarious.
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2. Fun-gi: Iconic Mushroom Water Towers

In Kuwait, when they say "fun-gi" it's not just a party happening at a pizzeria but the result of an architectural prowess in water management: The iconic 31 "mushroom towers" in Kuwait City, designed by Sune Lindström, are modern water distribution systems that hold a whopping 3,000 cubic meters of water each, whilst standing tall as a fun-loving landmark in reinforced concrete fashion with mesmerizing blue stripes.
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3. Turtle Empire: Sea Turtle Conservation

Whoever said turtles were slow clearly hasn't met the Kuwaiti conservationists who've been busy building a turtle empire: For three years, these tireless researchers have collaborated with people from six different nationalities to track sea turtles on the offshore islands of Kubbar, Qaru, and Umm Al-Maradim, collecting valuable data on their population, nesting habits, and even guiding authorities on improving legislation—all in the name of turtle power!
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4. Tropical Bathwater: Kuwait's Warm Seas

If tropical bathwater sounds like your kind of party, just dip your toes in Kuwait's waters: The temperature reaches a cozy 89°F in the summer, but beware of disease-causing party crashers and remember, there are 265 days of aquatic fun per year to choose from!
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Surfing the Digital Wave: Modern Economy

5. Surfing the Digital Wave: Modern Economy

Hold on to your camels, Kuwait is catching the digital wave: This desert gem is rapidly modernizing its economy, focusing on sectors like oil, gas, IT, financial services, healthcare, and transportation, all while streamlining bureaucracy and getting ready to kick cyber threats to the curb.
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6. Swimming Buffet: Central Fish Market

Ever heard of a buffet that's swimmingly delightful? Dive into Kuwait City's Central Fish Market, where "catch of the day" isn't just a phrase but a lifestyle: This unique market showcases traditional desert architecture and is home to an array of fresh fish on offer at various stalls, allowing visitors to indulge in their aquatic favorites by handpicking the perfect fish and having it prepared just the way they like it.
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